Lord, increase my faith and deliver me from fear4th Week in Ordinary Time : Tuesday 1st February 20222 Sam. 18:9-10, 14b,24-25a,31—19:3; Ps. 85:1-2,3-4,5-6; Mk. 5:21-43 (Ps Wk IV) Many families have problems, but David’s family outdid all others. His family dissolved into acts of rape, murder, and treachery. In the end, his Son Absalom rose…
Daily Word Of GodMark 5:21-24a, 35b-38a, 40b-42 When Jesus had crossed in the boat to the other side, a large crowd gathered round him and he stayed by the lakeside. Then one of the synagogue officials came up, Jairus by name, and seeing him, fell at his feet and pleaded with him earnestly, saying, ‘My…
DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, Compassion and Faith: In today’s Gospel, Jairus, the synagogue official, with great faith begged Jesus to cure his dying daughter. Jesus filled with deep Compassion raised her to life after she died. Ponder on, “Pray for the grace to deepen our trust in Jesus’ infinite Compassion…
DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, Faith – “Resistance”: In today’s Gospel, even as Jesus showed His Divine Power to cast out the “legion of demons”, the townspeople implored Him to leave them, instead of welcoming Him and His Gospel. Ponder on, “Do we reject God’s Will and choose our own will…
Daily Word Of GodMark 5:2, 6b-10, 12-13, 16-17 When Jesus left the boat, a man with an unclean spirit at once came out from the tombs towards him. He fell at his feet and shouted at the top of his voice, ‘What do you want with me, Jesus, son of the Most High God? Swear…
St John Bosco4th Week in Ordinary Time : Monday 31st January 20222 Sam. 15:13-14,30; 16:5-13; Ps. 3:2-3.4-5.6-7; Mk. 5:1-20 (Ps Wk IV) The man who was healed from possession by the Legion of devils naturally wanted to stay with Jesus, but Jesus refused his request and instead gave him another mission, telling him to go…
Daily Word Of GodLuke 4:23b-28 The people of Nazara said to Jesus, “We have heard all that happened in Capernaum, do the same here in your own countryside.” ’ And Jesus went on, ‘I tell you solemnly, no prophet is ever accepted in his own country. ‘There were many widows in Israel, I can assure…
DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, Jesus’ Disappointment: In today’s Gospel, Jesus was deeply disappointed with His townspeople and said to them, “No prophet is ever accepted in his own country.” Ponder on, “In your love for God, have you experienced ‘rejection’ from the people who are close to you? If so,…
Lord, help me to remember that love is not sentimentality or feelings and to seek You always4th Week in Ordinary Time : Sunday 30th January 2022Jer. 1:4-5,17-19; Ps. 70:1-2,3-4,5-6,15,17; 1 Cor. 12:31— 13:13 (or 13:4-13); Lk. 4:21-30 (Ps Wk IV) So often, fear holds us back from becoming the person God intended us to be.…
Lord, help us not to be afraid of the storms in our own lives because You are always with us3rd Week in Ordinary Time : Saturday 29th January 20222 Sam. 12:1-7,10-17; Ps. 50:12-13,14-15,16-17; Mk. 4:35-41 (Ps Wk III) So often, people condemn attitudes and behaviour in other people but are unaware that they are guilty…