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33rd Week in Ordinary Time (B) : Friday 19th November 2021

Dedication of the Basilicas of St Peter and St Paul33rd Week in Ordinary Time (B) : Friday 19th November 20211 Mac. 4:36-37,52-59; (R. Ps.) 1 Chr. 29:10,11-12; Lk. 19:45-48 (Ps. Wk. I) These days, the readings taken from the book of Maccabees and often give us a violent way of defending the faith and the…

33rd Week in Ordinary Times : Friday 19th November, 2021

DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, “Enemies of Salvation”: In today’s Gospel, the chief priests and scribes wanted to destroy Jesus but could not do so, as “the people as a whole hung on His Words.”  Ponder on, “There are enemies of the Gospel Truth who are anti-Church and anti-God; they justify…

33rd Week in Ordinary Times : Friday, 19th November 2021

Daily Word Of GodLuke 19:45-48 Jesus went into the Temple and began driving out those who were selling.  ‘According to scripture,’ he said ‘my house will be a house of prayer. But you have turned it into a robbers’ den.’ He taught in the Temple every day. The chief priests and the scribes, with the…

33rd Week in Ordinary Time (B) : Thursday 18th November 2021

Dedication of the Basilicas of St Peter and St Paul 33rd Week in Ordinary Time (B) : Thursday 18th November 20211 Mac. 2:15-29; Ps. 49:1-2,5-6,14-15; Lk. 19:41-44 (Ps. Wk. I) In the worst of times, when, as a community, we find it difficult to believe in God, heroes arise. Mattathias, about whom we read today,…

33rd Week in Ordinary Times : Thursday, 18th November 2021

Daily Word Of GodLuke 19:41-44 As Jesus drew near Jerusalem and came in sight of the city he shed tears over it and said, ‘If you in your turn had only understood on this day the message of peace! But, alas, it is hidden from your eyes! ‘Yes, a time is coming when your enemies…

33rd Week in Ordinary Times : Thursday 18th November, 2021

DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, “Spiritual Blindness”: In today’s Gospel, Jesus shed tears when He saw the city of Jerusalem for He knew that His grave Suffering and Death was imminent.  Ponder on, “Do we have the eyes of faith to “see” and hearts to “sense” God’s triumph in the trials…

33rd Week in Ordinary Time (B) : Wednesday 17th November 2021

St Elizabeth of Hungary, religious33rd Week in Ordinary Time (B) : Wednesday 17th November 20212 Mac. 7:1,20-31; Ps. 16:1,5-6,8,15; Lk. 19:11-28 (Ps. Wk. I) Like the other Jews of their time, Jesus’ disciples expected a political Messiah, and this notion continued even after the Resurrection. Thus, they asked Jesus, just before his Ascension, “Will you…

33rd Week in Ordinary Times : Wednesday 17th November, 2021

DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, Responsibilities – Faith: In today’s Gospel, Jesus proclaimed to the crowd that we are all called to use the abundant gifts and blessings that God has given us, responsibly and in God’s Ways.  Ponder on, “Do we keep God’s blessings of talents, wealth and positions selfishly…

33rd Week in Ordinary Times : Wednesday, 17th November 2021

Daily Word Of GodLuke 19:11a, 12-13, 15-17, 26 While the people were listening Jesus said, ‘A man of noble birth went to a distant country to be appointed king and afterwards return. He summoned ten of his servants and gave them ten pounds, telling them, “Do business with these” he told them “until I get…

33rd Week in Ordinary Times : Tuesday 16th November, 2021

DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, Faith – Conscientious: In today’s Gospel, Jesus rewarded Zacchaeus for his zeal of wanting to see Him passing by.  Ponder on, “Are we conscientious, creative and committed in the way we develop our relationship with Jesus in our prayer life, our ways of witnessing the Gospel…