DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, Fear, Insecurity Truth: In todays Gospel, King Herod was fearful that John the Baptist whom he beheaded had risen from the dead. King Herod knew in his conscience that he murdered John who was a man of God. Ponder on, When we do not build our…
St Pius of Pietrelcina (Padre Pio)25th Week in Ordinary Time (B) : Thursday 23rd September 2021Hag. 1:1-8; Ps. 149:1-2,3-4,5-6,9; Lk. 9:7-9 (Ps Wk I) In 586 BC, Jerusalem fell. The Temple was destroyed. The Jews were exiled to Babylon (Iraq). About 50 years later (538 BC), Cyrus, the Persian king, allowed the Jews — to…
Daily Word Of GodLuke 9:7-9 Herod the tetrarch had heard about all that was being done by Jesus; and he was puzzled, because some people were saying that John had risen from the dead, others that Elijah had reappeared, still others that one of the ancient prophets had come back to life. But Herod said,…
DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, Mission Faith: In todays Gospel, Jesus commissioned His Twelve apostles to proclaim the Good News of Salvation to all peoples. Jesus also gave them the divine gifts to cure diseases. Ponder on, When we open our minds and hearts to witness to the Good News,…
Lord, be with us as we go out to share your love with others25th Week in Ordinary Time (B) : Wednesday 22nd September 2021Ezr. 9:5-8; (R. Ps.) Tob. 13:2,3-4,5,8; Lk. 9:1-6 (Ps Wk I) We may need to remind ourselves from time to time that we are reading about Peter, James, John, and the nine…
Daily Word Of GodLuke 9:1-6 Jesus called the Twelve together and gave them power and authority over all devils and to cure diseases, and he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal. He said to them, ‘Take nothing for the journey: neither staff, nor haversack, nor bread, nor money; and…
DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, Call of Matthew: In todays Gospel, Jesus called Matthew, the public sinner who was a tax collector, to be His apostle. Ponder on, Regardless of our sins, God still sees the potential good within us. Are we are willing to repent and be reconciled with God,…
Daily Word Of GodMatthew 9:9-13 As Jesus was walking on he saw a man named Matthew sitting by the customs house, and he said to him, ‘Follow me.’ And he got up and followed him. Now while he was at dinner in the house it happened that a number of tax collectors and sinners came…
Feast of St Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist Feast of St Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist : Tuesday 21st September 2021Eph. 4:1-7,11-13; Ps. 18:2-3,4-5; Mt. 9:9-13 (Ps Wk I) In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul exhorts his readers to lead lives worthy of their Christian calling. He calls upon them to preserve the unity of the…
DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, Gods Blessings: In todays Gospel, Jesus used the image of the a lamp that shines, that people may see, to remind us that there is a goal in life. Ponder on, Are we using the abundant blessings of the gift of faith that offers Eternal Life,…