Lord, help me to love others especially those who are difficult to love11th Weekend in Ordinary Time (B) : Tuesday 15th June 20212 Cor. 8:1-9; Ps. 145:1-2,5-7,8-9; Mt. 5:43-48 (Ps Wk III) Chapter 5 of Matthew’s Gospel is among the richest and most challenging passages of the four Gospels and, perhaps for that very reason,…
Daily Word Of GodMatthew 5:38-42 Jesus said to his disciples: ‘You have learnt how it was said: Eye for eye and tooth for tooth. But I say this to you: offer the wicked man no resistance. On the contrary, if anyone hits you on the right cheek, offer him the other as well; if a…
DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, Faith - “Jesus’ Ways”: In today’s Gospel, Jesus reminds His disciples that to witness to the Good News, their love for God must be unconditional. Ponder on, “As God always shows us His Mercy and Forgiving Love, are we also willing to forgive ourselves and others…
Lord, help me to recognise the abundant graces that you send me each day11th Weekend in Ordinary Time (B) : Monday 14th June 20212 Cor. 6:1-10; Ps. 97:1,2-4; Mt. 5:38-42 (Ps Wk III) “Now is the acceptable time, now is the moment of grace.” One of St Paul’s most memorable and consoling statements, this saying…
DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, “Kingdom of God”: In today’s Gospel, Jesus proclaims to the crowd that “God’s Kingdom” given as a gift of faith to us, is present and growing in our hearts daily. God gives us this divine gift to nurture it responsibly to maturity, in Christ-like ways. “Am…
Lord, help me to wait patiently for your Will to unfold for me11th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) : 13th June 2021Ez. 17:22-24; Ps. 91:2-3,13-14,15-16; 2 Cor, 5:6-10; Mk. 4:26-34 (Ps Wk III) It is interesting how often gardening or agricultural images are used for describing God and the spiritual life. Ezekiel likens God to…
Daily Word Of GodMark 4:26-33 Jesus said to the crowds, ‘This is what the kingdom of God is like. A man throws seed on the land. Night and day, while he sleeps, when he is awake, the seed is sprouting and growing; how, he does not know. Of its own accord the land produces first…
DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, Mary & Jesus: Today’s Gospel episode captures vividly the full humanity and divinity of the Child Jesus. He remains obedient to both His Father’s Will and His Parents’ Will. During difficult and painful trials of life, “Do we strive to discern God’s Will and be faithful…
Feast of The Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary10th Week in Ordinary Time : Saturday, 12th June 20212 Cor. 3:15-- 4:1,3-6; Ps. 84:9,10,11-12, 13-14; Mt. 5:20-26 (Ps Wk II) In celebrating Mary’s Immaculate Heart, we praise her single-heartedness. It is sin that divides our heart between self and God, making us no longer single-hearted,…
Daily Word Of GodLuke 2:42-43, 46-47, 48b-51 When Jesus was twelve years old, they went up to Jerusalem for the feast of the Passover. When they were on their way home after the feast, the boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem without his parents knowing it. Three days later, they found him in the Temple,…