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9th Week in Ordinary Time : Tuesday, 1st June 2021

Daily Word Of GodMark 12:13-17 The chief priests and the scribes and the elders sent to Jesus some Pjsrisees and some Herodians to catch him out in what he said. These came and said to him, ‘Master, we know that you are an honest man, that you are not afraid of anyone, because a man’s…

9th Week in Ordinary Times : Tuesday 1st June, 2021

DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, Hypocrisy – Faith: In today’s Gospel, Jesus knew that the Pharisees’ and Herodians’ praises were hypocritical, as they intended to set Jesus up against the Roman authorities, regarding the payment of taxes.  Ponder on, “God knows our hearts’ intentions and desires.  Are we hypocritical or sincere…

9th Week in Ordinary Time : Tuesday 1st June 2021

Saint Justin martyr9th Week in Ordinary Time : Tuesday 1st June 2021Tob. 2:9-14; Ps. 111:1-2,7-8,9; Mk. 12:13-17 (Ps Wk I) People were always trying to trap Jesus with tricky questions. Some asked him if it were permissible to pay taxes to Caesar, the Roman emperor. If he said yes, he was a traitor to his…

Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary : Monday, 31st May 2021

Daily Word Of GodLuke 1:39-47, 56 Mary set out and went as quickly as she could to a town in the hill country of Judah. She went into Zechariah's house and greeted Elizabeth. Now as soon as Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the child leapt in her womb and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.…

Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary : Monday 31st May 2021

Lord, grant us the same spirit of service and concern for the needy which filled Your lifeVisitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary : Monday 31st May 2021Zeph. 3:14-18 or Rom. 12:9-16; (R. Ps.) Is. 12:2-3,4,5-6; Lk. 1:39-56 (Ps Wk I) Today we celebrate the loving occasion when the Mother of Jesus visited the mother of…

Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary: Monday 31st May, 2021

DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, “Mary’s Visitation”:  Today’s Gospel captures the scene of the “Visitation” very beautifully. Mary’s prompt response to Angel Gabriel’s message, to visit her cousin was rewarded with Elizabeth’s divinely inspired proclamation about Mary and the God-Child in her womb.  Ponder on, “Are we prompt in obeying God’s…

The Most Holy Trinity Sunday : 30th May 2021

Lord, help me to be your good discipleThe Most Holy Trinity Sunday : 30th May 2021Deut. 4:32-34,39-40; Ps. 32:4-5,6,9, 18-19,20,22; Rom. 8:14-17; Mt. 28:16-20 (Psalter proper) When we reflect on all the great and beautiful things God has done for the world and for what God has done for each of us, there can be…

The Most Holy Trinity Sunday : 30th May, 2021

DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, God - Holy Trinity: Today, we celebrate the solemnity of the “Most Holy Trinity”.  Ponder on, “God our almighty Father, the Creator of the universe; Jesus, the Son and Saviour, and the Holy Spirit our Protector and Wisdom of God’s Truth.”  These essential Truth when prayed…

The Most Holy Trinity Trinity Sunday : 30th May 2021

Daily Word Of GodMatthew 28:16-20 The eleven disciples set out for Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had arranged to meet them. When they saw him they fell down before him, though some hesitated. Jesus came up and spoke to them. He said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.…

8th Week in Ordinary Time : Saturday 29th May 2021

Father, let us seek the wisdom that comes from You alone8th Week in Ordinary Time : Saturday 29th May 2021Sir. 51:12-20; Ps. 18:8,9,10,11; Mk. 11:27-33 (Ps Wk IV) The authority that comes from worldly wisdom accumulates immense knowledge yet lacks insight into one's own ignorance is problematic. The problem of unrecognised ignorance is the need…