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Second Week of Lent : Friday 5th March, 2021

DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, Greed – Riches: In today’s Gospel, Jesus proclaimed the parable of the “Tenants” to the chief priests and elders, to challenge their greed for riches, power, glory; which will lead them to condemn the Messiah.  Ponder on, “Are we also guilty of such sins?  Such “greed”…

2nd Week of Lent (B) : Friday 5th March 2021

Do I put my trust in human strength, or do I put my trust in the Lord?2nd Week of Lent (B) : Friday 5th March 2021Gen. 37:3-4,12-13a,17b-28; Ps. 104:16-17, 18-19,20-21; Mt. 21:33-43,45-46 (Ps Wk II) When unpleasant or negative things happen to us, it is easy to lose hope and become disillusioned. Joseph was kidnapped…

Second Week of Lent : Thursday 4th March, 2021

DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, Empathy – Faith: In today’s Gospel, Jesus reprimanded the Pharisees with the parable of the “Rich man and Lazarus”.  If they do not empathise with the poor and marginalized, they will suffer the eternal consequences after they die.  Is God challenging you to be more empathetic…

Second Week of Lent : Thursday, 4th March 2021

Daily Word Of GodLuke 16:19-26 Jesus said to the Pharisees: ‘There was a rich man who used to dress in purple and fine linen and feast magnificently every day. And at his gate there lay a poor man called Lazarus, covered with sores, who longed to fill himself with the scraps that fell from the…

2nd Week of Lent (B) : Thursday 4th March 2021

Do I put my trust in human strength, or do I put my trust in the Lord?2nd Week of Lent (B) : Thursday 4th March 2021Jer. 17:5-10; Ps. 1:1-2,3,4,6; Lk. 16:19-31 (Ps Wk II) When we read Jeremiah 17 and Psalm 1, what questions arise within us? Maybe we may ask ourselves: “Am I cursed…

Second Week of Lent : Wednesday 3rd March, 2021

DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, Authority - Service: In today’s Gospel, Jesus proclaimed that He, as the Messiah is going to be condemned and put to death.  Whatever “authority” we have is meant to be fulfilled with a responsible service that is selfless, sacrificial and humble.  Are we caught up by…

Second Week of Lent : Wednesday, 3rd March 2021

Daily Word Of GodMatthew 20:17-19, 25-28 Jesus was going up to Jerusalem, and on the road he took the Twelve to one side and said to them, ‘Now we are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of man is about to be handed over to the chief priests and scribes. They will condemn him…

2nd Week of Lent (B) : Wednesday 3rd March 2021

Lord, help me to follow your example to serve others and not expect to be served2nd Week of Lent (B) : Wednesday 3rd March 2021Jer. 18:18-20; Ps. 30:5-6,14,15-16; Mt. 20:17-28 (Ps Wk II) Speaking the truth to people of power is never easy, and Jeremiah knew that well. God ordered Jeremiah to deliver the bad…

2nd Week of Lent (B) : Tuesday 2nd March 2021

Lord, we pray for our religious leaders to be God-fearing and who can lead people to God2nd Week of Lent (B) : Tuesday 2nd March 2021Is. 1:10,16-20; Ps. 49:8-9,16-17,21,23; Mt. 23:1-12 (Ps Wk II) In the first reading of the Book of Isaiah, the main message is that whatever disasters befell on Jerusalem were punishment…

Second Week of Lent : Tuesday, 2nd March 2021

Daily Word Of GodMatthew 23:1-3, 8-12 Addressing the people and his disciples Jesus said, ‘The scribes and the Pharisees occupy the chair of Moses. You must therefore do what they tell you and listen to what they say; but do not be guided by what they do, since they do not practise what they preach.…