St John Paul II, Pope29th Week in Ordinary Time : Thursday 22nd October 2020Eph. 3:14-21; Ps. 32:1-2,4-5,11-12,18-19; LK. 12:49-53 (Ps Wk I) Paul prays for God’s gift of faith and love, and through these, for the experience of the love of Christ. Christ lives in Christians through their faith and love so that they can…
Daily Word Of GodLuke 12:49-53 Jesus said to his disciples: ‘I have come to bring fire to the earth, and how I wish it were blazing already! There is a baptism I must still receive, and what constraint I am under until it is completed! ‘Do you suppose that I am here to bring peace…
DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, Blessings – Vigilance: In today’s Gospel, Jesus explains to His disciples that as they are blessed abundantly, “more is expected” of them. Ponder on, “When God blesses us abundantly, we are also expected to use them generously and selflessly for the Greater Glory of God; otherwise,…
Thank you, Father, for the gift of your son Jesus Christ29th Week in Ordinary Time : Wednesday 21st October 2020Eph. 3:2-12; (R. Ps.) Is. 12:2-3,4,5-6; Lk. 12:39-48 (Ps Wk I) “In Christ and through him, we can speak freely to God, drawing near to him in confidence.” These concluding words from today’s passage from the…
Daily Word Of GodLuke 12:39-44, 48b Jesus said to his disciples, ‘You may be quite sure of this, that if the householder had known at what time the burglar would come, he would not have let anyone break through the wall of his house. You too must stand ready, because the Son of man is…
DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, Vigilance – Faith: In today’s Gospel, Jesus reminds His disciples to live their faith vigilantly; at all times. Ponder on, “To live our faith vigilantly, is to love God with sincerity and commitment regardless of the temptations and trials of life. To love God only in…
Daily Word Of GodLuke 12:35-38 Jesus said to his disciples: ‘See that you have your belts done up and your lamps lit. Be like people waiting for their master to return from the wedding feast, ready to open the door as soon as he comes and knocks. ‘Blessed those servants whom the master finds awake…
Lord, help me always to be aware of Your presence29th Week in Ordinary Time : Tuesday 20th October 2020Eph. 2:12-22; Ps. 84:9-10,11-12,13-14; Lk. 12:35-38 (Ps Wk I) Paul was emphasizing the unity of Gentiles and Jews through Christ. Because of Christ, Jews and Gentiles were united in a new community with God. The evidence of…
Daily Word Of GodLuke 12:15-21 Jesus said to the crowd, ‘'Watch, and be on your guard against avarice of any kind, for life does not consist in possessions, even when someone has more than he needs.’ Then he told them a parable, ‘There was once a rich man who, having had a good harvest from…
DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, Human Finitude: In today’s Gospel, Jesus’ Parable of the “rich man” who planned to live his retirement in comfort and luxury, was shocked with the truth that he would die that very night. Ponder on, “The length of life on earth is in God’s Hands; true…