DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, Israel –“Chosen Race”: In today’s Gospel, Jesus urged His disciples to focus on proclaiming the Good News to the Israelites before the Gentiles. Reflect on our need to pray for the grace of gratitude to value the Gospel of Eternal Salvation more fully. Do we praise,…
DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, Jesus’ Compassion: In today’s Gospel, Jesus’ Compassion moved Him to reach out to those who were “harassed and dejected, like sheep without a shepherd.” As such, Jesus cured the sick, healed their traumas, and most of all offered them the hope of Eternal Happiness. Are we…
Lord, grant me the grace to be a witness of Your mercy and love in all aspects of my life14th Week in Ordinary Time : Tuesday 7th July 2020Hos. 8:4-7,11-13; Ps. 113:3-4,5-6,7,8,9-10; Mt. 9:32-38 (Ps Wk II) In the miracle of today, Jesus shows mercy towards the dumb man. The people were amazed, but not…
Daily Word Of GodMatthew 9:35-37 Jesus made a tour through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and curing all kinds of disease and all kinds of illness. And when he saw the crowds he felt sorry for them because they were harassed and dejected, like…
St Maria Goretti, virgin & martyr14th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) : Monday 6th July 2020Hos. 2:16,17-18,21-22; Ps. 144:2-3,4-5,6-7,8-9; Mt. 9:18-26 (Ps Wk II) Hosea was a prophet during the 8th century B.C. His writings conveyed the message of God’s love for sinful people, particularly Israel, represented as an unfaithful wife. She had gone away…
Daily Word Of GodMatthew 9:18-19, 23-26 While Jesus was speaking, suddenly one of the officials came up, who bowed low in front of him and said, ‘My daughter has just died, but come and lay your hand on her and her life will be saved.’ Jesus rose and, with his disciples, followed him. When Jesus…
DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, Faith in Jesus: In today’s Gospel, one of the officials begged Jesus with great faith and humility, “My daughter has just died, but come and lay Your hand on her, and her life will be saved.” Have our faith in Jesus been deep or do we…
Lord, give me a humble and open heart14th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) : 5th July 2020Zec. 9:9-10; Ps. 144:1-2,8-9,10-11, 13-14; Rom. 8:9,11-13; Mt. 11:25-30 (Ps Wk II) The image of the king entering Jerusalem on the donkey was intended to give hope. Everything would be put right; justice would reign, and people would rejoice…
DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, Peace of Christ: In today’s Gospel, Jesus invites His disciples and every person, “Come to Me all you who labour and are overburdened. . .” Jesus’ Gospel as the Good News of Salvation is always inclusive and filled with hope for those who are suffering. Ponder…
Daily Word Of GodMatthew 11:25-30 Jesus exclaimed, ‘I bless you, Father, Lord of heaven and of earth, for hiding these things from the learned and the clever and revealing them to little children. Yes, Father, for that is what it pleased you to do. Everything has been entrusted to me by my Father; and no…