Saint Claude La Colombiere, SJBorn : Febrauary 2, 1641 Died : February 15, 1682 Beatified : June 16, 1929 Canonized : May 31, 1992 Claude La Colombiere was born in southern France and studied grammar at a Jesuit school in Lyons before he was ten years old and before doing literature and philosophy. At seventeen,…
Servant of God Saturninus Ibarguren, SJBorn: February 11, 1856 Died: February 9, 1927 Fr Saturninus Ibarguren, a Basque, was born at Villareal de Urretxu, in the province of Guipuzcoa, Spain. After he had completed his studies in his hometown at the age of eighteen, he was enlisted into the army and was involved in the…
Venerable Philip Jeningen, SJBorn: January 5, 1642 Died: February 8, 1704 Philip Jeningen, the second son of the town’s mayor, was born in Eichstatt (modern day Bavaria), Germany. He attended the Jesuit school in his native city at the age of sixteen wanting to be a Jesuit. But because of parental opposition, he only became…
Saints Paul Miki, John de Goto & James Kasai, SJSt Paul Miki, SJ (1564~1597) St James Kisai, SJ (1533~1597) St John de Goto, SJ (1578~1597) Christianity experienced rapid growth during the forty-one years after St Francis Xavier’s coming to Japan. By 1590, there were about 200,000 Christians in Japan, most of whom lived in either…
DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, Gospel of Peace: Jesus in today’s Gospel, sends His apostles to proclaim the divine gift of “Peace” to those who believe in the Good News. Those who accept will be blessed but, those who reject will deprive themselves of God’s blessings. Do we welcome Jesus’ “Peace”…
Ss Paul Miki & Comps. Martyrs4th Week in Ordinary Time : Thursday 6th February 20201 Kgs. 2:1-4,10-12; (R. Ps) 1 Chr. 29:10,11,12; Mk. 6:7-13 (Ps Wk IV) In sending out his Apostles to preach the Gospel, Jesus did not give them a detailed picture of what to expect or detailed instructions on how to deal…
Daily Word Of GodMark 6:7-13 Jesus summoned the Twelve and began to send them out in pairs, giving them authority over unclean spirits. And he instructed them to take nothing for the journey except a staff -- no bread, no haversack, no coppers for their purses. They were to wear sandals but, he added, ‘Don't…
Servant of God Pedro Arrupe, SJBorn: November 14, 1907 Died: February 5, 1991 Pedro Arrupe, a Spanish Basque and the Society’s twenty-eighth Superior General, was born in Bilbao, Spain. His architect father, Marcelino Arrupe was a man of very staunch faith and was responsible for establishing Spain’s first catholic daily, “La Gaceta del Norte.” Pedro…
DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, Prejudices – Faith: When we have prejudices, as with Jesus’ townsfolks, our minds and hearts will be closed. This will hinder us from trusting God and will keep our faith superficial. Let us pray for the graces to have the wisdom to be able to see…
St Agatha, virgin & martyr4th Week in Ordinary Time : Wednesday 5th February 20202 Sam. 24:2,9-17; Ps. 32(31):1-2,5,6,7; Mk. 6:1-6 (Ps Wk IV) What was wrong with taking a census – a counting of people – in ancient Israel? All nations do this, for we need this information for taxes, military strength, and the workforce.…