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3rd Week of Advent : Wednesday 18th December 2019

Thank You for sending Jesus into our imperfect world3rd Week of Advent : Wednesday 18th December 2019Jer. 23:5-8; Ps. 72(71):1-2,12-13,18-19; Mt. 1:18-24 (Ps Wk III) Jeremiah lived during a time of great upheaval for the Israelites. The kings had not been effective rulers. Jerusalem had been captured by the Babylonians and the Temple had been…

December 17th : S.G. Stephen Kaszap,SJ

Servant of God - Stephen Kaszap, SJBorn: March 25, 1916 Died: December 17, 1935 Stephen Kaszap was a Jesuit novice when he died, three months short of his twentieth birthday. He bore his sufferings like a young hero. He was born in Szekesfehervar, Hungary. His mother described him as a stubborn child, quick tempered and…

3rd Week of Advent : Tuesday 17th December 2019

Thank You for sending Jesus into our imperfect world3rd Week of Advent : Tuesday 17th December 2019Gen. 49:1-2,8-10; Ps. 72(71):1-2,3-4,7-8,17; Mt. 1:1-17 (Ps Wk III) Do you ever feel as if life would be easier if you were just born into a different family? Our own family can seem odd at times. Today we hear…

Third Week of Advent: Tuesday 17th December 2019

Daily Word Of GodMatthew 1:1-2a, 6b, 11b, 16-17 Roll of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, son of David, son of Abraham: Abraham fathered Isaac …. David fathered Solomon …. Then the deportation to Babylon took place. Jacob fathered Joseph the husband of Mary; of her was born Jesus who is called Christ. The sum of…

3rd Week in Advent : Tuesday 17th December, 2019

DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, Truth – Living: In today’s Gospel, the chief priests and elders questioned Jesus’ authority to teach in the Temple.  However, they were not able to refute the Truth that Jesus proclaimed.  Likewise, if we try to justify our unbelief and disobedience of God’s Truth, Love and…

3rd Week in Advent : Monday 16th December, 2019

DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, Truth – Living: In today’s Gospel, the chief priests and elders questioned Jesus’ authority to teach in the Temple.  However, they were not able to refute the Truth that Jesus proclaimed.  Likewise, if we try to justify our unbelief and disobedience of God’s Truth, Love and…

3rd Week of Advent : Monday 16th December 2019

Lord, make me know Your ways3rd Week of Advent : Monday 16th December 2019Num. 24:2-7,15-17a; Ps. 25(24):4-5,6,7,8-9; Mt. 21:23-27 (Ps Wk III) LORD, make me know your ways! “We do not know!” The response given by Pharisees and Scribes to the question Jesus put to them was an ‘escape route’ which we often take to…

Third Week of Advent: Monday 16th December 2019

Daily Word Of GodMatthew 21:23-27 Jesus had gone into the Temple and was teaching, when the chief priests and the elders of the people came to him and said, ‘What authority have you for acting like this? And who gave you this authority?’ In reply Jesus said to them, ‘And I will ask you a…