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Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles: Saturday 29th June, 2019

DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, God’s Protective Love: In today’s Gospel, Jesus appoints Peter as the head of the Church, which is solidly founded on a “rock”, and where evil cannot overpower.  As such, be assured that God’s Protective Love is bestowed upon us.  No evil can harm us, and destroy…

SS. Peter and Paul, Apostles: Saturday, 29th June 2019

Daily Word Of GodMatthew 16:13-19 When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi he put this question to his disciples, ‘Who do people say the Son of man is?’ And they said, ‘Some say John the Baptist, some Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.’ ‘But you,’ he said, ‘who do you…

Feast of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles: Saturday 29th June 2019

Feast of Saints Peter and Paul, ApostlesFeast of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles: Saturday 29th June 2019Acts 12:1-11; Ps. 34(33):2-3,4-5,6-7,8-9; 2 Tim. 4:6-8,17-18; Mt. 16:13-19 (Psalter proper) This was a time of great persecution of the church. James was killed and then Peter was arrested during the Passover season — just like Jesus. Peter was…

The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus: Friday, 28th June 2019

Daily Word Of GodLuke 15:3-7 Jesus spoke this parable to the scribes and Pharisees: ‘Which one of you with a hundred sheep, if he lost one, would fail to leave the ninety-nine in the desert and go after the missing one till he found it? And when he found it, would he not joyfully take…

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus: Friday 28th June, 2019

DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, Precious Child: Each person is a precious child of God; more so, when we are lost, confused and in the darkness of pain, division and sin.  It is God’s Will that we live in peace because our “darkness and sin” cause God’s pain and suffering.  Pray…

Solemnity of The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus: Friday 28th June 2019

The Most Sacred Heart of JesusSolemnity of The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus: Friday 28th June 2019Ez. 34:11-16; Ps. 23(22):1-4,5,6; Rom. 5:5-11; Lk.15:3-7 (Psalter proper) The Opening Prayer for the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is  “…we rejoice in the gift of love we have received from the Heart of Jesus, Your Son.”…

12th Week, Ordinary Time: Thursday, 27th June 2019

Daily Word Of GodMatthew 7:21-27 Jesus said to his disciples: ‘'It is not anyone who says to me, “Lord, Lord,” who will enter the kingdom of Heaven, but the person who does the will of my Father in heaven. When the day comes many will say to me, “Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in…

12th Week in Ordinary Time: Thursday 27th June 2019

12th Week in Ordinary Time12th Week in Ordinary Time: Thursday 27th June 2019Gen. 16:1-12,15-16; Ps. 105:1-2,3-5; Mt. 7:21-29 (Ps Wk IV) It is a pity that the verses of Gen. 16:13-14 were omitted from today’s first reading. They would have provided a comforting hint that, even in the harshest of events, the God who loves…

Ordinary Time 12th Wk: Thursday 27th June, 2019

DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, God’s Will: In today’s Gospel, Jesus proclaims that calling Him, “Lord, Lord” is insufficient to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.  We are to seek and live God’s Will with a more discerning heart, and not take God’s Love and Goodness for granted.  Pray for the…