DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, “Risen Lord” – Faith: In today’s Gospel, Mary of Magdala, Peter and John all saw the empty tomb of Jesus. However, it was John, the “beloved disciple of Jesus” who instantly believed, that Jesus had Risen. Ponder on, “We will experience greater inspirations and blessings when…
Dear Lord, we are Your Easter people, Alluelia!EASTER SUNDAY OF THE LORD’S RESURRECTION : 31st March 2024Acts 10:34,37-43; Ps. 117:1-2,16-17,22-23; Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6-8; Jn 20:1-9 or Mk 16:1-7 John’s Gospel recounts that Christ Jesus’ resurrection is inseparable from the intent of God dwelling among us, albeit the contra events of the fall…
Daily Word Of GodJohn 20:1b-9 Mary of Magdala came to the tomb. She saw that the stone had been moved away from the tomb and came running to Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one whom Jesus loved. ‘They have taken the Lord out of the tomb,’ she said, ‘and we don't know where…
God is always ahead of us and we will see HimHOLY SATURDAY (B) : 30th March 2024Gen. 1:1-2:2; 22:1-18; Ex. 14:15-15:1; Is. 54:5-14; 55:1-11; Rom. 6:3-11; Mk. 16:1-7 At Easter Vigil, the Exultet stirs alive the sentiments of heaven’s triumph in Jesus’ redeeming the fallenness of humanity due to the slavery of sin. Fallen humanity,…
Daily Word Of GodMark 16:1-7 When the Sabbath was over, Mary of Magdala, Mary the mother of James, and Salome, bought spices with which to go and anoint him. And very early in the morning on the first day of the week they went to the tomb when the sun had risen. They had been…
DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, “Jesus, our Risen Lord!” – Faith: The Church’s liturgical celebration climaxes with today’s Resurrection of Jesus; three days after His Death. Ponder on, “If Jesus did not Rise from His Death, as He promised; our faith in His Gospel of Eternal Happiness, would be “empty” of…
Daily Word Of GodJohn 18:1, 19:1, 4-6, 16-17a, 18-19, 25, 28-30 Jesus left with his disciples and crossed the Kidron valley where there was a garden into which he went with his disciples. Pilate then had Jesus taken away and scourged. Pilate came outside again and said to them, ‘Look, I am going to bring…
DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, Jesus Suffers and Dies – Faith: In today’s liturgy we “re-live” the agonising Sufferings and Death of Jesus. He Dies a cruel Death of a criminal, when He is not only Innocent of any guilt, but the Saviour of all mankind. Ponder on, “Do we recognise…
Thank you, Lord, for the gift of Yourself in the EucharistGOOD FRIDAY (B) : 29th March 2024Is 52:13—53:12; Ps. 30:2, 6, 12-13, 15-17, 25; Heb 4:14-16; 5:7-9; Jn 18:1—19:42 (Psalter Proper) Too often, the crucifixes that hang in our churches and homes anesthetize us from the painful and awful reality that befell our Lord, in…
Daily Word Of GodJohn 13:4-9, 12-15 Jesus got up from table, removed his outer garments and, taking a towel, wrapped it round his waist; he then poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples' feet and to wipe them with the towel he was wearing. He came to Simon Peter, who said…