

Easter Wk 2nd: Wednesday 22nd April, 2020

DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Light and Darkness: In today’s Gospel, Jesus points out that those who live in sin, prefer to live in the darkness of deception and evil that divide and destroy relationships, lives and vocations.  Those who live and serve in God’s Truth and Love, have nothing to hide.  They glorify God through…

Easter Wk 2nd: Tuesday 21st April, 2020

DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Faith – Rejection: In today’s Gospel, Jesus questions the Jews for rejecting the Truth of Eternal Salvation that He as Son of God proclaims.  Likewise, many people rather believe in fortune telling and the other spirits, than the Triune God.  Let us pray for the gift of wisdom for all to…

Easter Wk 2nd: Monday 20th April, 2020

DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Reality of Faith: In today’s Gospel, Jesus explained to Nicodemus that entry into God’s Kingdom is God’s gift of eternal life through Baptism of water in the Spirit.  The human flesh without such divine gifts cannot gain eternal Salvation.  Are we grateful to God for the gift of Eternal Salvation, won…

Easter 2nd Sun – Divine Mercy Sunday: 19th April, 2020

DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Faith – Doubt: In today’s Gospel, Thomas the apostle refused to believe that Jesus has risen from His Death.  He insisted on physical evidence before he believes.  Many of us believers too, prefer to turn to material gain and glory, than to commit to living the sacrifices and mercy that Jesus’…

Easter Octave: Saturday 18th April, 2020

DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Resurrection – Unbelief: In today’s Gospel, Jesus reprimanded the Eleven apostles for their incredulity and obstinacy towards Mary of Magdala’s testimony that she He has Risen.  Are we also guilty of over focusing our life on materialistic possessions and secular success, and not giving priority to the reality of Eternal Life?…

Easter Octave: Friday 17th April, 2020

DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Apostles – Faith: In today’s Gospel, the apostles felt depressed because of Jesus’ Death.  They then worked whole night and caught nothing.  Jesus’ miracle of the miraculous catch was not only a great consolation, but also more importantly, the encounter of Jesus as the Risen Lord of their lives.  The Spirit…

Easter Octave: Thursday 16th April, 2020

DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Resurrection – Fulfilment: In today’s Gospel, Jesus suddenly appeared to His Apostles, bestowed His blessings of “Peace”, and ate a grilled fish.  This filled them with great joy because He has fulfilled His promise that He will rise again.  Do we renew our gratitude to God for Saving us, and offering…

Easter Octave: Wednesday 15th April, 2020

DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Emotions – Faith: In today’s Gospel, the two disciples on the way to Emmaus, were not able to recognise the Risen Lord, because their emotional crises from Jesus’ Crucifixion blinded them.  Likewise, do our emotions also “blind” us to the goodness of people and God’s Forgiving Love?  Pray daily for the…

Easter Octave: Tuesday 14th April, 2020

DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage “Mary”– Jesus: In today’s Gospel, Mary was deeply saddened by Jesus’ Crucifixion, and was enveloped in her darkness of grief.  But, when Jesus called her “Mary”, she immediately recognised Jesus’ voice.  Do we have a personal relationship with Jesus so that we can also recognise Him in our daily living, and…

Easter Octave: Monday 13th April, 2020

DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Resurrection – Great Joy: the women who saw the empty tomb were fill with great awe and joy that Jesus the Lord has risen.  In contrast, the elders tried to conceal the Truth of the Resurrection of Jesus with bribery and lies.  Let us live in the Truth and reality of…