DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Risen Christ: In today’s Gospel, Mary of Magdala, Peter and John the beloved disciple all saw the empty tomb, but for John, “he saw and he believed” immediately, that Jesus has risen. Do we have faith in the Risen Lord, who conquered death and sin and live with joy and fulfilment…
DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Risen Christ: Mary of Magdala and the other Mary went to the sepulchre, and encountered the angel who announced to them that Jesus has risen for His Death. They were filled with great joy. Ponder on, “If Jesus had not risen, and eternal life after death is not a certainty, how…
DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Passion of Christ: In today’s Gospel, Jesus suffers immense tortures and eventually is crucified shamefully as a criminal. Jesus’ Selfless Love, as the “Sacrificial Lamb” to bring Salvation to all peoples, reveal God’s infinite Mercy and Love for everyone. Do we make sacrifices and in abnegation die to our sins, that…
DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Last Supper – Service: In today’s Gospel, at the Last Supper, Jesus washes the feet of all His disciples, including Judas’. Jesus instructs them to serve one another like Him, with humility and self-less dedication and commitment. If we each draw strength from Jesus, and serve with humility, more people will…
DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Last Supper - Betrayal: In today’s Gospel, Jesus foretells that Judas will betray Him. Yet, He did not dissuade nor prevent Judas from carrying out his evil intentions. Jesus fully embraces His Father’s Will without reducing the immense suffering and His cruel death. Do we fail to do God’s Will when…
DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Passion – Peter’s Faith: In today’s Gospel, Jesus foretells His imminent Suffering and Death. Peter promises to be faithful, but Jesus reveals his denials. We all wish to be faithful disciples of Jesus, but often find ourselves falling short of our ideals. Let us pray for the light and strength of…
DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Sinner – Respected: In today’s Gospel, Mary of Magdala, the public sinner anointed Jesus’ feet with very costly ointment, and wiped them with her hair. While Judas complained, Jesus responded and accepted her hospitality. Do we reject or are we prejudiced towards people who are sinners? Why? Are we not sinners…
DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Insecurities and Fears: In today’s Gospel, the chief priests and the Pharisees held a meeting to discuss how “best” to deal with Jesus who is gaining many followers. Ponder on, “Do we have insecurities about others being ‘better’ than us? Do we fear them as threats that we need to eliminate? …
DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Insecurities and Fears: In today’s Gospel, the chief priests and the Pharisees held a meeting to discuss how “best” to deal with Jesus who is gaining many followers. Ponder on, “Do we have insecurities about others being ‘better’ than us? Do we fear them as threats that we need to eliminate? …
DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Father’s Will: In today’s Gospel, Jesus proclaimed the Gospel of Eternal Salvation to the Jews. Yet, many remained blind and rejected His gift of eternal happiness. Ponder on, “Do I reject Jesus by living a lukewarm faith? What are my distractions and attachments that prevent me from deepening my love for…