DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Father’s Will: In today’s Gospel, Jesus proclaimed the Gospel of Eternal Salvation to the Jews. Yet, many remained blind and rejected His gift of eternal happiness. Ponder on, “Do I reject Jesus by living a lukewarm faith? What are my distractions and attachments that prevent me from deepening my love for…
DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Gospel of Christ: Today, we celebrate the 20th Anniversary of “DGEMS” Gospel ministry of evangelising God’s Word of Salvation to all peoples. We hope and pray that you have been enriched in your faith through this ministry. As in today’s Gospel, may you continue to abide in Jesus’ Words of Wisdom,…
DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Belief in Jesus: In today’s Gospel, Jesus proclaimed to the Pharisees that if they do not believe that He is the Saviour and Lord, they will “die in their sins”, and will not gain eternal Salvation. However, there are many who profess their faith in Jesus, but do not follow His…
DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Compassion – Gospel: In today’s Gospel, the scribes and Pharisees brought an adulteress to Jesus, and asked Him whether they should follow the Law of Moses, to stone her to death. Ponder on our lives. “Do we condemn others for their sins, without any compassion?” “Are we not sinners ourselves?” Fr…
DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Jesus – Resurrection: In today’s Gospel, Jesus promised Mary and Marthathat their brother who has died will rise again, through His divine power. Jesus says, “I am the Resurrection.” Ponder on, “When I am experiencing pain and bereavement, do I have strong faith and trust in Jesus? Fr Philip Heng, S.J.…
DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Insecurities of Evil: In today’s Gospel, the chief priests and Pharisees sent guards to find fault with Jesus in order to arrest Him. However, they in turn were inspired by the wisdom of Jesus. Evil and schemers of destruction of the Truth of Jesus and the Church, will always be insecure. …
DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Enemies of Jesus: In today’s Gospel, the enemies of Jesus were seeking to kill Him. Today, the Gospel and the Church of Christ also have many enemies. They find ways to discredit and destroy the dignity of the Church, and distort the Truth of the Gospel. Let us pray to be…
DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Lack of Faith: In today’s Gospel, the Jews lacked faith in Jesus. They rather believe in other prophets. Likewise, when we profess that we have faith in Jesus, “Do we truly build our lives on His Love, Truth and Providence”? Are we not distracted by the materialistic world, and have turned…
DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Annunciation of the Lord: Today’s Gospel celebrates the Feast that Jesus, the Son of God is to come into our world, fully human, and conceived through the Holy Spirit, in the womb of the Virgin Mary. God’s Providence, provides for our Salvation. Pray for the grace to trust in God’s Love…
DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Jesus’ Compassion: In today’s Gospel, Jesus cured the man, who had been sick for thirty-eight years, even though it was the Sabbath day. Jesus’ Compassionate Love reaches out to all those who are suffering: whether physical, emotional or spiritual. Trust in His Love. He never fails. Fr Philip Heng, S.J. John…