DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, Jesus “Rewards”: When we give ourselves to God e.g. spending time in prayer, serving His people in need, supporting the poor financially, witnessing the Gospel with courage and humility, Jesus will never fail to bless and “reward” us abundantly; infinitely more than what we expect. Have…
DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, Serving God: St Francis Xavier, the patron saint of missions, brought the Catholic faith to India and East Asia. He proclaimed the faith with such great passion, that he eventually died from the exhaustion of his service to God’s people, and the unfulfilled dreams of bringing…
DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, “Roman Centurion”: In today’s Gospel, the Roman Centurion’s deep faith in Jesus’ divine power and his great compassion for his servant, moved Jesus to cure his servant. Is our faith in Jesus and our compassion for others deep, sincere and humble like the centurion? If so,…
DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, Advent Preparation: As we begin our Advent season of preparation for the Birth of Jesus at Christmas, let us thank God for the opportunities to reflect on our faith more deeply. Let us also ask God for the graces to be more fully disposed towards loving…
DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, Faith – Openness: In today’s Gospel, Jesus called Simon, Andrew, James and John to follow Him as His Apostles. They immediately left everything and obeyed Jesus’ call. Have we felt “called” by God to love, share and serve for His Greater Glory, in spite of the…
DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, Faith – Fidelity: When there is sincere and deep love for someone, e.g. our family member, we would naturally want to deepen our relationship with that person. We would also happily make the needed sacrifices and share generously what we have with him/her. Likewise, ponder on,…
DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, Faith – Vigilance: We are tempted to drift in our faith and push God to the background of our lives when things are going well. Some of us seem to need a “crisis” to wake us up to the reality that our lives are dependent on…
DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, Faith – Perseverance: In today’s Gospel, Jesus cautioned His disciples that they would be persecuted for their faith. Indeed, other than St John the Evangelist and Judas who betrayed Jesus, the rest of the apostles were martyred for their faith. Jesus assured them that the Holy…
DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, “Second Coming”: In today’s Gospel, Jesus proclaimed that the “Second Coming” which is the end of the world “is near at hand.” Let us not take our faith for granted. Let us ask God for the wisdom to live in His Will, Love and Ways so…
DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, “Widow’s Mite”: When we love and serve the needs of others, especially the poor and the marginalised of our society, we are to do so with sincerity and selfless-generosity. The deeper our gratitude to God for the blessings we received from Him, the more we are…