

Ordinary Time 15th Wk: Tuesday 16th July, 2019

DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, Obstinacy: In today’s Gospel, Jesus was saddened and upset at the people’s obstinacy to repent from their sinful living.  Miracles did not have any effects on their hardness of hearts.  Are we receptive to the Spirit’s inner stirrings to live a more moral, compassionate and Christ-centered…

Ordinary Time 15th Wk: Monday 15th July, 2019

DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, Loving God Fully: There are no inconsistencies in today’s Gospel, when Jesus demands His Twelve Apostles who wish to follow Him, to be totally detached from family, friends and finances.  Only with such freedom, can God’s graces enable us to serve God and His people wholeheartedly.…

Ordinary Time 15th Wk: Sunday 14th July, 2019

DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, “Loving Neighbour”: Many believers tend to live their faith as though all that matters is to do some good, pray and be at peace with God.  However, in today’s Gospel, Jesus proclaims a radical love in the Parable of the Good Samaritan.  We are all called…

Ordinary Time 14th Wk: Saturday 13th July, 2019

DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, Fears – Faith: In today’s Gospel, Jesus reminds His Twelve disciples, “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body, but cannot kill the soul.”  Focus on the joys of the Gospel of Eternal Happiness of Jesus.  Let us then not live in the fear…

Ordinary Time 14th Wk: Friday 12th July, 2019

DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, Serving God: In today’s Gospel, Jesus cautioned His Twelve disciples that, like Him, they too will be persecuted.  However, they are not to fear as the Holy Spirit will be their Protection and Light, and will give them the divine Wisdom to glorify God.  Have you…

Ordinary Time 14th Wk: Thursday 11th July, 2019

DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, Discipleship: In today’s Gospel, Jesus commissions His disciples to proclaim the Good News of Salvation.  They are to serve humbly, simply and selflessly in the Spirit.  Do not serve out of self-love and glory, but live in the Providence of God who will provide, protect and…

Ordinary Time 14th Wk: Wednesday 10th July, 2019

DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, “Empowerment – Faith”: In today’s Gospel, Jesus empowered His Twelve disciples with authority to drive out unclean spirits.  If we are deeply united with the Holy Spirit and are committed to live the Father’s Will and to love Jesus more personally, the divine power will also…

Ordinary Time 14th Wk: Tuesday 9th July, 2019

DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, Evil – Faith: In today’s Gospel, Jesus drove out the demon from the dumb man; “nothing like this has ever been seen in Israel.”  Yet, the Pharisees tried to deceive the people into thinking that Jesus’ power came from the prince of devils!  Ponder on the…

Ordinary Time 14th Wk: Monday 8th July, 2019

DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, Trust Jesus: In today’s Gospel, an official approached Jesus to raise his daughter to life. Also a woman suffering from Haemorrhage for twelve years believes strongly that just by touching Jesus’ cloak will cure her.  Do you have deep trust in Jesus to care for you…

Ordinary Time 14th Wk: Sunday 7th July, 2019

DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, “Harvest” – Faith: In today’s Gospel, Jesus proclaims, “The harvest is rich, but the labourers are few. . .”  Jesus is inviting you and I to be His “labourers”, as many are longing for the deeper meaning and fulfilment in life, and most of all, eternal…