

8th Week, Ordinary Time (Year A) : Tuesday 30th May, 2023

DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, “Fidelity to Jesus”: In today’s Gospel, Jesus assures Peter, “In Truth I tell you, there is no one who has left home and faced persecutions for the sake of the Gospel, who will not receive a hundred times as much; in this present time and eternal life.” …

Our Lady, Mother of the Church: Monday 29th May, 2023

Dear Friend in the Lord, Mary our Mother: In today’s Gospel, Jesus entrusted His Mother Mary to John, His beloved disciple, before He died on the Cross. Ponder on, “Jesus’ last wish was to entrust the whole Church (as represented by John) to His Mother.  Do we seek Mary’s loving care and protection?  She will surely…

Pentecost Sunday: 28th May, 2023

Dear Friend in the Lord, “Holy Spirit” – Fearless Faith: In today’s Gospel, the Risen Lord appeared to His disciples who were hiding in fear says, “As the Father sent Me, so am I sending you.  Receive the Holy Spirit.”  Ponder on, “In the Sacrament of Confirmation, we were sent by Christ to witness fearlessly…

Easter 7th Week : Saturday 27th May, 2023

Dear Friend in the Lord, “God’s Providence”: In today’s Gospel, Jesus reminded Peter not to be overly concerned about too many things, but to focus on following Him faithfully.  Ponder on, “Do we worry unnecessarily about what is to happen, and fail to focus on being faithful to Jesus, who is our divine security in…

Easter 7th Week : Friday 26th May, 2023

Dear Friend in the Lord, “Loving Jesus”: In today’s Gospel, Jesus the Risen Lord asked Peter, “Do you love Me” three times; to seek his re-commitment, after he had denied Jesus three times.”  Ponder on, “Do we renew our love for and fidelity to Jesus, each time we turn away from His Love?  Try saying,…

Easter 7th Week : Thursday 25th May, 2023

Dear Friend in the Lord, “Jesus Prayer – Unity”: In today’s Gospel, Jesus prayed that every person be united in Him, as He is united “Perfectly” in His Father.  Ponder on, “There are great divisions in relationships, amongst cultures, races, countries and ideologies that cause despair and destructions.  Pray for God’s Peace, greater unity and…

Easter 7th Week : Wednesday 24th May, 2023

Dear Friend in the Lord, “Jesus’ Prayer - Truth”: In today’s Gospel, Jesus prayed to His Father to protect His believers from the Evil One, and to consecrate them in the Truth.”  Ponder on, “Jesus has deep concerns that the deceptions of the Evil One may weaken our faith.  We should never fear the Evil…

Easter 7th Week : Tuesday 23rd May, 2023

Dear Friend in the Lord, “Impending Death of Jesus”: In today’s Gospel, Jesus prayed that through His Death, He will glorify His Father.  Ponder on, “When we face death, we will find “Jesus’ Peace,” if we have known Him personally during our lifetime.  However, if we have been ‘strangers’ to and rejected Him, then our…

Easter 7th Week : Monday 22nd May, 2023

Dear Friend in the Lord, “Human and Divine Support”: In today’s Gospel, Jesus prophesised that His disciples will desert Him, when He is being persecuted.  Jesus’ True Strength and Support come from His Father.  Ponder on, “We are weak and sinful.  So, we cannot be fully sure that we will not deny Jesus and one…

Easter 7th Week : Sunday 21st May, 2023

Dear Friend in the Lord, “World Social Communications Sunday” – Faith: In today’s secular world, the message of the Truth of Salvation is often distorted.  In fact, many who use social media promote negative values that are against the Gospel Values of Jesus.  Ponder on, “Jesus proclaimed the Truth that Glorifies His Father.  Do we…