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April 20th : Servant of God Francis Gaetano, SJ

April 20th - Servant of God Francis Gaetano, SJBorn: November 11, 1569 Died: April 20, 1601 Francis Gaetano, the second son of the Count of Sortino and Cassaro, was born at Sortino, near Syracuse, in Sicily. As the son of Spain’s and Sicily’s most illustrious families, Francis was trained as a knight and was adept…

April 15th : Servant of God Peter Barbaric, SJ

April 15th - Servant of God Peter Barbaric, SJBorn: May 19, 1874 Died: April 15, 1897 Peter Barbaric, a Croatian, was born in the small hamlet of Siljevista, near the village of Klobuk in Bosnia-Herzegovina. He was one of nine children whose parents, his first teachers, taught him not only Catechism, but also gave him…

April 13th : Servant of God Emmanuel Garcia Nieto, SJ

April 13th - Servant of God Emmanuel Garcia Nieto, SJBorn: April 5, 1894 Died: April 13,1974 Emmanuel was born in the small town of Macotera in the Spanish province of Salamanca. He was the youngest of nine children and had his early education in the local public school. When he was fourteen he told his…

April 12th : Venerable Bruno Bruni, SJ and Venerable Louis Cardeira, SJ

April 12th - Venerable Bruno Bruni, SJ and Venerable Louis Cardeira, SJVenerable Bruno Bruni Born: November 7, 1590 Died: April 12, 1640 SJ Venerable Louis Cardeira, SJ Born : 1585: Died : April 12, 1640 Cause introduced in Rome on June 19, 1902 Ethiopian Christian Martyrs Frs Bruno Bruni and Louis Cardeira were the last…

April 11th: Venerable Francis del Castillo, SJ

April 11th - Venerable Francis del Castillo, SJBorn : February 9, 1615 Died : April 11, 1673 Fr Francis del Castillo, revered by the people of Lima, Peru as the “Apostle of Lima” was born in Lima on February 9, 1615. He entered the Society of Jesus toward the end of 1632. He taught grammar…

April 11th : Servant of God Ferdinand de Huidobro, SJ

April 11th - Servant of God Ferdinand de Huidobro, SJBorn: March 10, 1903 Died: April 11, 1937 Cause Initiated: November 19, 1947 Ferdinand de Huidobro Polanco was born at Santander, Spain. His father was a mining engineer and he was the sixth of nine children. When Ferdinand was five, his family moved to Melilla, North…

April 7th : Blessed Ralph Ashley, SJ

Blessed Ralph Ashley, SJ Born :Date Unknown Died : April 7, 1606 Beatified : December 15, 1929 Very little is known of Bro Ashley’s date and place of birth as well as his early life. He was the cook at the English College at Rheims, France and later in April 1590, he became the cook…

April 7th : Blessed Edward Oldcorne, SJ

Blessed Edward Oldcorne, SJ Born : 1561 Died : April 7, 1606 Beatified : December 15, 1929 after Unknown artist, line engraving, 1608 Edward Oldcorne was born in York, England of a non-Catholic father and a Catholic mother. He gave up medical studies and enrolled at the English College in Rheims, France in 1581 before…

April 7th : St Henry Walpole, SJ

Saint Henry Walpole, SJBorn :Oct 1558 Died : April 7, 1595 Beatified : December 15, 1929 Canonized : October 25, 1970 Twenty-three-year-old Henry Walpole was among bystanders attending the execution of Fr Edmund Campion, a Jesuit martyr when a drop of the latter’s blood fell on his clothes from the quartered body. This so moved…

April 3rd : Blessed Robert Middleton, SJ

Blessed Robert Middleton, SJ Born :1571 Died : April 3, 1601 Beatified : November 22, 1987 Robert Middleton, an English martyr was born in York, England of a Catholic family. As a young man he followed the religion of the Established Church but he stopped because of his reading and his conscience and also inspired…