Lord, help me to journey with You and others, with a “new heart” and a “new spirit” 5th Week of Lent (C) : Saturday 9th April 2022Ez. 37:21-28; (R. Ps.) Jer. 31:10,11-12,13; Jn. 11:45-56 (Ps Wk I) What did Jesus do that the high priest, Caiaphas, prophesied Jesus to be that “one man to die…
The good works were evidence that the Father was in Jesus and Jesus was in the Father5th Week of Lent (C) : Friday 8th April 2022Jer. 20:10-13; Ps. 17:2-4;5-6,7; Jn. 10:31-42 (Ps Wk I) The prophet Jeremiah was opposed by others because of his warnings of doom. He complained about his enemies and felt that…
The Lord remembers His covernant forever - God calls each of us by name5th Week of Lent (C) : Thursday 7th April 2022Gen. 17:3-9; Ps. 104:4-5,6-7,8-9; Jn. 8:51-59 (Ps Wk I) Our names and surnames ground us deep in ancestral history, personal dignity and the traditions of our forefathers. “God calls each one by name.…
Lord, help me to remember that I am a child of God... and live like one!5th Week of Lent (C) : Wednesday 6th April 2022Dan. 3:14-20,91-92,95; (R. Ps.) Dan. 3:52, 53,54,55,56; Jn. 8:31-42 (Ps Wk I) Many people think that to believe in God is to be burdened with rules and commandments, which can cause…
“It is profoundly unhealthy to concentrate upon Jesus’ sufferings while ignoring the cruelty and torture which are endemic in our world” (Sheila Cassidy)5th Week of Lent (C) : Tuesday 5th April 2022Num. 21:4-9; Ps. 101:2-3,16-18,19-21; Jn. 8:21-30 (Ps Wk I) Are we any different from the Israelites during the time of Moses or the Pharisees…
Lord, help me not to judge by outward appearances but with the heart and the spirit5th Week of Lent (C) : Monday 4th April 2022Dan. 13:1-9,15-17,19-30,33-62; Ps. 22:1-4,5,6; Jn. 8:12-20 (Ps Wk I) To be unjustly and wrongly accused is a terrible experience. We can wonder if there is any justice in the world. Susannah…
Lord, as You have forgiven me, help me not judge others5th Sunday of Lent (C) : 3rd April 2022Is. 43:16-21; Ps. 125:1-3,4-5,6; Phil. 3:8-14; Jn. 8:1-11 (Ps Wk I) As we move towards the Holy Week Celebration, the readings of this 5th Sunday of Lent bring us hope and assurance of new life rooted in…
Am I blinded by my own sense of righteousness that I do not see the need for conversion? 4th Week of Lent : Saturday 2nd April 2022Jer. 11:18-20; Ps. 7:2-3,9-10,11-12; Jn. 7:40-53 (Ps Wk IV) Today we have a continuation of yesterday’s confusion about the identity of Jesus. In yesterday’s Gospel Reading, Jesus only spoke…
Learn to “read” God’s presence, His purpose and His directing in the events of our times4th Week of Lent : Friday 1st April 2022Wis. 2:1,12-22; Ps. 33:17-18,19-20,21,23; Lk. 7:1-2,10,25-30 (Ps Wk IV) A good and holy life does not always bring praise and approval. It can stir resentment and fear in others, and they sometimes…
Learn to “read” God’s presence, His purpose and His directing in the events of our times4th Week of Lent : Thursday 31st March 2022Ex.32:7-14; Ps. 105:19-20,21-22,23; Jn. 5:31-47 (Ps Wk IV) It happened to the people of Israel in Moses’ time. It happened to the leaders of Israel in Jesus’ time: it keeps on happening…