

2nd Week of Advent (C) : Saturday 11th December 2021

St Damasus I, pope2nd Week of Advent (C) : Saturday 11th December 2021Sir. 48:1-4,9-11; Ps. 79:2,3,15-16,18-19; Mt. 17:10-13 (Ps Wk II) The writer of the Book of Ecclesiasticus (Sirach)presents the prophet Elijah as one who is filled with the Spirit of God, who has power over nature to the extent that he is able to…

2nd Week of Advent (C) : Friday 10th December 2021

Our Lady of Loreto2nd Week of Advent (C) : Friday 10th December 2021Is. 48:17-19; Ps. 1:1-2,3,4,6; Mt. 11:16-19 (Ps Wk II) God was disappointed and heartbroken. He lamented that the Israelites were not following his commandments. He would have been able to do much more for them if they had, and they would have prospered.…

2nd Week of Advent (C) : Thursday 9th December 2021

St John Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin2nd Week of Advent (C) : Thursday 9th December 2021Is. 41:13-20; Ps. 144:1,9,10-11,12-13; Mt. 11:11-15 (Ps Wk II) When speaking and writing about our relationship with God, we have to use human language. As a result, we need to be careful lest misunderstanding arises. When we say that there is a treaty,…


Hail Mary, full of Grace, the Lord is with youIMMACULATE CONCEPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY : Wednesday 8th December 2021Gen. 3:9-15,20; Ps. 97:1,2-4; Eph. 1:3-6,11-12; Lk. 1:26-38 Today we celebrate the Immaculate Conception: through God’s grace, Mary was conceived free from the stain of original sin in her mother’s womb. This grace was given…

2nd Week of Advent (C) : Tuesday 7th December 2021

St. Ambrose, bishop & doctor2nd Week of Advent (C) : Tuesday 7th December 2021Is. 40:1-11; Ps. 95:1-2,3,10,11-13; Mt. 18:12-14 (Ps Wk II) The parable in the Gospel is familiar to us. It reflects the love of God, as the Shepherd who would risk everything to find the lost sheep. When he finds it, he rejoices…

2nd Week of Advent (C) : Monday 6th December 2021

St Nicholas, bishop2nd Week of Advent (C) : Monday 6th December 2021Is. 35:1-10; Ps. 84:9-10,11-12,13-14; Lk. 5:17-26 (Ps Wk II) The friends of the sick man have deep faith. They firmly believe that Jesus can heal their friend. It may seem absurd to take apart a roof, but the sick man was able to meet…

2nd Sunday of Advent (C) : Sunday 5th December 2021

A good witness is one who inspires others to do better2nd Sunday of Advent (C) : Sunday 5th December 2021Bar. 5:1-9; Ps. 125:1-3, 4-5,6; Phil. 1:4-6, 8-11 Lk. 3:1-6 (Ps Wk II) Jerusalem and its people received some therapy and a mental makeover from God. After they had endured so much, they were now urged…

1st Sunday of Advent (C) : Saturday 4th December 2021

St John Damascene, priest & doctor1st Sunday of Advent (C) : Saturday 4th December 2021Is. 30:19-21,23-26; Ps. 146:1-2,3-4,5-6; Mt. 9:35-- 10:1.5.6-8 (Ps Wk I) In the book of Isaiah, we witness the chosen people of God as a rebellious nation. As a consequence, they were disciplined by God. However, in our reading for today, there…

1st Sunday of Advent (C) : Friday 3rd December 2021

St Francis Xavier, priest Patron of Missions and Missionaries 1st Sunday of Advent (C) : Friday 3rd December 20211 Cor. 9:16-19,22-23; Ps. 116:1-2; Mt. 16:15-20 (Ps Wk I) Today is the feast of St. Francis Xavier. He is no stranger to our land. He walked on our shores in Malacca. He brought the Good News…

1st Sunday of Advent (C) : Thursday 2nd December 2021

Lord, help me to be worthy to come into Thy Holy Presence1st Sunday of Advent (C) : Thursday 2nd December 2021Is. 26:1-6; Ps. 117:1,8-9,19-21,25-27; Mt. 7:21, 24-27 (Ps Wk I) The readings today remind us that God holds us accountable for how we respond to Him. Through the use of images related to a fortified…