Good Shepherd Sunday4th Sunday of Easter (B) : 25th April 2021Acts 4:8-12; Ps. 117:1,8-9,21-23,26,28-29; 1 Jn. 3:1-2; Jn. 10:11-18 (Ps Wk IV) Peter and John have cured a man who had been crippled, and their good deed is not what gets them thrown into prison. They are living in the days of The Spirit. Their…
Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen, Priest & Martyr3rd Week of Easter : Saturday 24th April 2021Acts 9:31-42; Ps. 115:12-13,14-15,16-17; Jn. 6:60-69 (Ps Wk III) The church was beginning to grow in a peaceful environment. Peter was visiting the various Christian communities and was exercising his healing ministry. First of all, Peter healed Aeneas, who had been…
Lord, help me to be your instrument to those who are hungry, thirsty, lonely, naked, sick, imprisoned3rd Week of Easter : Friday 23rd April 2021Acts 9:1-20; Ps. 116:1,2; Jn. 6:52-59 (Ps Wk III) Heavenly Light, Voice, Vision — this was Saul’s awesome first encounter with Jesus. Blinded, he went into a retreat — fasting and…
Lord, help me to seek You with an open and yearning heart3rd Week of Easter : Thursday 22nd April 2021Acts 8:1-8; Ps. 65:1-3,4-5,6-7; Jn. 6:35-40 (Ps Wk III) Conversion is a mysterious thing. What draws one person to faith but not another? The Ethiopian eunuch in today's story was far from home — official business…
St Anselm, bishop & doctor3rd Week of Easter : Wednesday 21st April 2021Acts 8:1-8; Ps. 65:1-3,4-5,6-7; Jn. 6:35-40 (Ps Wk III) As the persecutions arose against the Church in Jerusalem, the word of God spread out to Samaria, and many believed. The Gospel is more powerful than any earthly power or persecution. As the Church…
Lord, help me to believe in my heart that You are the one and only true source of life3rd Week of Easter : Tuesday 20th April 2021Acts 7:51--8:1; Ps. 30:3-4,6,7-8,17,21; Jn. 6:30-35 (Ps Wk III) Stephen had been accused of speaking against the Law, but he turned this around and accused the Jews of not…
St Stephen, intercede for us to become stronger believers in Christ3rd Week of Easter : Monday 19th April 2021Acts 6:8-15; Ps. 118:23-24,26-27,29-30; Jn. 6:22-29 (Ps Wk III) Stephen is chosen to help spread the message of Jesus Christ. He is chosen because he is a man full of faith and the Holy Spirit. The Spirit…
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for the gift of Yourself in the Eucharist3rd Week of Easter : Sunday 18th April 2021Acts 3:13-15,17-19; Ps. 4:2,4,6-7,9; 1 Jn. 2:1-5; Lk. 24:35-48 (Ps Wk III) Today’s passage from the Gospel of Luke is the aftermath of the story of Jesus’ encounter with two of his disciples on the road…
Jesus tells us "It is I, do not be afraid"2nd Week of Easter : Saturday 17th April 2021Acts 6:1-7; Ps. 32:1-2,4-5,18-19; Jn. 6:16-21 (Ps Wk II) In the Old Testament times, the laying of hands to confer an office was quite common, but in the New Testament the election of the Seven Deacons was the…
Lord, gift me with Your Spirit2nd Week of Easter : Friday 16th April 2021Acts 5:34-42; Ps. 26:1,4,13-14; Jn. 6:1-15 (Ps Wk II) People sometimes overreact and so outrageous or stupid things. Perhaps they are motivated by fear or misunderstanding. Rabbi Gamaliel had some good advice that we can all heed: be patient, wait and see.…