

2nd Week of Easter : Thursday 15th April 2021

Lord, gift me with Your Spirit2nd Week of Easter : Thursday 15th April 2021Acts 5:27-33; Ps. 33:2,9,17-18,19-20; Jn. 3:31-36 (Ps Wk II) Those in worldly authority often use fear to protect their power and to control others. The authorities threatened Peter and the apostles with dire punishments if they continued their witness to the Risen…

2nd Week of Easter : Wednesday 14th April 2021

I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise always on my lips2nd Week of Easter : Wednesday 14th April 2021Acts 5:17-26; Ps. 33:2-3,4-5,6-7,8-9; Jn. 3:16-21 (Ps Wk II) During His public life, Jesus had warned the disciples that they would suffer preaching in His name. And He was right. So, in today’s reading,…

2nd Week of Easter : Tuesday 13th April 2021

St Martin I, Pope & martyr2nd Week of Easter : Tuesday 13th April 2021Acts 4:32-37; Ps. 92:1-2,5; Jn. 3:7-15 (Ps Wk II) The secret of the growth of the early Christian communities was their unity of minds and hearts. They were united in the Lord and their pursuit of the common good of the community.…

2nd Week of Easter : Monday 12th April 2021

Lord, with you in our hearts, gives us a big heart that is larger than the world2nd Week of Easter : Monday 12th April 2021Acts 4:23-31; Ps. 2:1-3,4-6,7-9; Jn. 3:1-8 (Ps Wk II) The message “breaking free from the shackles of religion” is often used by some rulers intending to reign over people. Many faithful…

DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY (B) : 11th April 2021

Lord, thank you for your Divine Mercy for all mankindDIVINE MERCY SUNDAY (B) : 11th April 2021Acts 4:32-35; Ps. 117:2-4,15-18,22-24; 1 Jn. 5:1-6; Jn. 20:19-31 (Psalter proper) The scene in the Gospel passage focuses on the person of the Risen Christ and on what his presence means to the disciples. He “comes” to the frightened…

Saturday within Easter Octave : 10th April 2021

Lord, help me to proclaim the good news in word, thought, and deedSaturday within Easter Octave : 10th April 2021Acts. 4:13-21; Ps. 117:1,14-15,16,17-18,19-21; Mk. 16:9-15 (Psalter proper) Fear can sometimes prevent people from doing what is right or speaking the truth. Oppressive governments and institutions rely on this fear to keep people in line and…

Friday within Easter Octave : 9th April 2021

Lord, help to spend a happy and holy hour with youFriday within Easter Octave : 9th April 2021Acts 4:1-12; Ps. 117:1-2,4,22-24,25-27; Jn. 21:1-14 (Psalter proper) What a difference a few days can make in a person's life. On Good Friday and Holy Saturday, Peter must have spent a bad two days, racked by remorse and…

Thursday within Easter Octave : 8th April 2021

Risen Lord, help me to put away sin today and turn more fully to YouThursday within Easter Octave : 8th April 2021Acts 3:11-26; Ps. 8:2,5,6-7,8-9; Lk. 24:35-48 (Psalter proper) Now the Risen Lord himself appears to the disciples. Jesus eats fish to demonstrate that he is really alive, not a ghost. He tells the disciples…

Wednesday within Easter Octave : 7th April 2021

Risen Lord, lead and guide us in our livesWednesday within Easter Octave : 7th April 2021Acts. 3:1-10; Ps. 104:1-2,3-4,6-7,8-9; Lk. 24:13-35 (Psalter proper) The appearance of the Risen Christ to the two disciples on their way to Emmaus is truly inspirational and much for us to draw from. The ‘way’ reflects the ‘journey’ that we,…

Tuesday within Easter Octave : 6th April 2021

Risen Lord empower us to continue your mission on earthTuesday within Easter Octave : 6th April 2021Acts. 2:36-41; Ps. 32:4-5,18-19,20,22; Jn. 20:11-18 (Psalter proper) Meditating on the Gospel reading gives one an intimate closeness to the Risen Christ. For Mary, the new experience in the garden of the Resurrection was when Jesus called by her…