Lord, help me to be forgiving and compassionate... like You are to us24th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) : 13th September 2020Sir. 27:33—28:7; Ps. 102:1-2,3-4,9-10,11-12; Rom. 14:7-9; Mt. 18:21-35 (Ps Wk IV) “Wrath and anger are hateful things…” These are the first words of our First Reading today. The remainder of the reading compares how…
Most Holy Name of the Blessed Virgin Mary23rd Week in Ordinary Time : Saturday 12th September 20201 Cor. 10:14-22; Ps. 115:12-13,17-18; Lk. 6:43-49 (Ps Wk III) Paul reminds the Corinthians that avoiding idol worship is fundamental to true faith in Christ. Paul warns the Christians that if one eats at the sacrificial banquet offered by…
Lord, help me to be always prepared for you ...23rd Week in Ordinary Time : Friday 11th September 20201 Cor. 9:16-19,22-27; Ps. 83:3,4,5-6,12; Lk. 6:39-42 (Ps Wk III) September 11, 2001, 19 terrorists (from 8.46 to 10.28 am) using four commercial airliners attacked the US World Trade Centre and The Pentagon (and also targeted the…
Lord, help me to follow the way of life that Jesus taught23rd Week in Ordinary Time : Thursday 10th September 20201 Cor. 8:1-7,11-13; Ps. 138:1-3,13-14,23-24; Lk. 6:27-38 (Ps Wk III) Paul was tackling a very real concern in the Corinthian Church. Here the central theme for Paul was the greater importance of love over knowledge.…
23rd Week in Ordinary TimeSt Peter Claver, SJ : Wednesday 9th September 20201 Cor. 7:25-31; Ps. 44:11-12,14-15,16-17; Lk. 6:20-26 (Ps Wk III) In a letter to his Superior in 1627 Fr Claver spoke of attending to the black African slaves brought to South America for sale: “then with the help of our cloaks, we got…
Lord, grant us the grace to discern what is right or wrongNativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary : Tuesday 8th September 2020Mic. 5:1-4 or Rom. 8:28-30; Ps. 12:6; Mt. 1:1-16,18-23 (Ps Wk III) The grace of being immaculately conceived meant that Mary never doubted herself or God. So, when addressed by the Angel Gabriel, she…
Lord, grant us the grace to discern what is right or wrong23rd Week in Ordinary Time : Monday 7th September 20201 Cor. 5:1-8; Ps. 5:5-6,7,12; Lk. 6:6-11 (Ps Wk III) Today’s Gospel reading describes a conflict Jesus had with the scribes and Pharisees. By healing the man with the withered hand on Sabbath, Jesus set…
Jesus said, “I give you a new commandment: love one another just as I have loved you” (John 13:34).23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) : 6th September 2020Ez. 33:7-9; Ps. 94:1-2,6-7,8-9; Rom. 13:8-10; Mt. 18:15-20 (Ps Wk III) What happens if we commit adultery? We would have dishonoured our marriage vows, destroyed our families, and…
St Teresa of Kolkata22nd Week in Ordinary Time : Saturday 5th September 20201 Cor. 4:1-5; Ps. 36:3-4,5-6,27-28,39-40; Lk. 5:33-39 (Ps Wk II) Paul was addressing issues specific to the church at Corinth. He had high expectations and was disappointed with the divisions among the Corinthians. Paul admonished them not to be proud of what they…
Lord, open my heart and mind22nd Week in Ordinary Time : Friday 4th September 20201 Cor. 4:1-5; Ps. 36:3-4,5-6,27-28,39-40; Lk. 5:33-39 (Ps Wk II) Religious zeal can sometimes give certain people a very inflated opinion of themselves. They may look upon themselves as morally and spiritually superior to others. Paul gives good advice: we are…