

Feast of St Bartholomew, Apostle : Monday 24th August 2020

Lord, open my heart and mind to Your presenceFeast of St Bartholomew, Apostle : Monday 24th August 2020Rev. 21:9-14; Ps. 144:10-11,12-13,17-18; Jn. 1:45-51 (Ps Wk I) The beautiful image of the heavenly Jerusalem is not a place. It is meant to describe that time when we will be in God’s presence forever. The beauty of…

21st Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) : 23rd August 2020

Lord, help me to be silent... to listen. Lord, teach me Your ways21st Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) : 23rd August 2020Is. 22:19-23; Ps. 137:1-3,6,8; Rom. 11:33-36; Mt. 16:13-20 (Ps Wk I) It is easy to be discouraged or cynical in the face of corruption and abuse of power. Isaiah insisted that God was about…

The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary : Saturday 22nd August 2020

Queen of Heaven, teach us to follow the way of humility, service and loveThe Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary : Saturday 22nd August 2020Is. 9:1-6; Ps. 113(112):1-2,3-4,5-6,7-8; Lk. 1:26-38 (Ps Wk IV) In the history of humanity, there have been many kings, queens and rulers who were in power and made an impact in…

20th Week in Ordinary Time : Friday 21st August 2020

St Pius X, Pope20th Week in Ordinary Time : Friday 21st August 2020Ez. 37:1-14; Ps. 106:2-3,4-5,6-7,8-9; Mt. 22:34-40 (Ps Wk IV) In the Gospel today, Jesus teaches us that the greatest commandment is love. But the Scribes and Pharisees forgetting the real spirit behind the Ten Commandments were laying heavy emphasis on the letter of…

20th Week in Ordinary Time : Thursday 20th August 2020

St Bernard, Abbot and doctor20th Week in Ordinary Time : Thursday 20th August 2020Ez. 36:23-28; Ps. 50:12-13,14-15,18-19; Mt. 22:1-14 (Ps Wk IV) Ezekiel told the Israelites that God would sanctify his name, which the people had profaned. God would gather the Israelites into their own land and purify them — they would be set apart.…

20th Week in Ordinary Time : Wednesday 19th August 2020

St John Eudes, Priest20th Week in Ordinary Time : Wednesday 19th August 2020Ez. 34:1-11; Ps. 22:1-4,5,6; Mt. 20:1-16 (Ps Wk IV) The God of Israel is to become the true shepherd of His people. This prophecy, dated after the fall of Jerusalem is one of hope and consolation. Israel’s shepherds (her kings, princes and priests)…

20th Week in Ordinary Time : Tuesday 18th August 2020

Lord, help me become a true disciple20th Week in Ordinary Time : Tuesday 18th August 2020Ez. 28:1-10; (R. Ps.) Deut. 32:26-28,30,35-36; Mt. 19:23-30 (Ps Wk IV) The first reading describes the judgement of God, as expressed through the prophet Ezekiel on the famed commercial city of Tyre, which was also the chief city of Phoenicia.…

20th Week in Ordinary Time : Monday 17th August 2020

Lord, Give me the courage to let go of anything that keeps me from You20th Week in Ordinary Time : Monday 17th August 2020Ez. 24:15-24; (R. Ps.) Deut. 32:18-19,20, 21; Mt. 19:16-22 (Ps Wk IV) Today a man comes to Jesus asking about eternal life. He has been keeping the commandments since his youth. This…

20th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) : 16th August 2020

Lord, help me to share Your grace with everyone20th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) : 16th August 2020Is. 56:1,6-7; Pa. 66:2-3,5,6,8; Rom. 11:13-15,29-32; Mt. 15:21-28 (Ps Wk IV) God rejects no one — all peoples are pleasing to Him. Isaiah envisioned a time when foreigners would stream towards Zion, worshipping and serving in God’s temple.…

FEAST OF THE ASSUMPTION OF OUR LADY : Saturday 15th August 2020

Hail Mary, Full of Grace, the Lord is with youFEAST OF THE ASSUMPTION OF OUR LADY : Saturday 15th August 2020Rev. 11:19; 12:1-6,10; Ps. 44:10,11,12,16; 1 Cor. 15:20-26; Lk. 1:39-56 (Psalter Proper) As we celebrate this Feast of Assumption, the readings help us to recapture two significant events in the life of Mary, the first…