Lord, help me to heed Your call19th Week in Ordinary Time : Wednesday 12th August 2020Ez. 9:1-7,10:18-22; Ps. 112:1-2,3-4,5-6; Mt. 18:15-20 (Ps Wk III) The prophet Ezekiel describes the vision of the judgement of God in the city of Jerusalem. Like angels of death, the six men are called by God to advance through the…
Lord, help us to know Your Word and do Your Will19th Week in Ordinary Time : Tuesday 11th August 2020Ez. 2:8—3:4; Ps. 18:14,24,72,103,11,131; Mt. 18:1-5,10,12-14 (Ps Wk III) In the Responsorial Psalm, the Psalmist weaves two themes: God’s Will and God’s Word. In the first theme of God’s Will, he sees doing God’s will as…
St Lawrence, Deacon & martyr19th Week in Ordinary Time : Monday 10th August 20202 Cor.9:6-10; Ps. 111:1-2,5-6,7-8,9; Jn. 12:24-26 (Ps Wk III) Generosity and kindness are how we imitate God. These are basic universal laws, not just lovely sentiments. If we give very little — if we are stingy and selfish – we cannot expect…
Lord, do teach us to find You even in the coronavirus and other crises19th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) : Sunday 9th August 20201 Kgs. 19:9,11-13; Ps. 84:9-10,11-12,13-14; Rom. 9:1-5; Mt. 14:22-33 (Ps Wk III) This story of Elijah has a very important religious message, but one which has a very significant opposite. For Elijah,…
St Dominic, priest18th Week in Ordinary Time : Saturday 8th August 2020Hab 1:12--2:4; Ps. 9:8-9,10-11,12-13; Mt. 17:14-20 (Ps Wk II) Habakkuk’s questions for God challenge us in every age of history, such as the present age of the coronavirus. From an early age, we human beings are driven by our spirit to ask “why?” Listen…
SS Xystus II, Pope & Comps. Martyrs18th Week in Ordinary Time : Friday 7th August 2020Nah. 2:1,3; 3:1-3,6-7; (R. Ps.) Deut. 32:35-36; 39,41; Mt. 16:24-28 (Ps Wk II) Today’s Gospel reading refers to the conditions for following Jesus and the cost of discipleship. A disciple of Jesus has to be ready to ‘deny’ oneself and…
Transfiguration of Jesus - “This is My Son; the Beloved; He enjoys My favour. Listen to Him”Transfiguration of the Lord (A) : Thursday 6th August 2020Dan. 7:9-10,13-14 or 2 Pt. 1:16-19; Ps. 96:1-2,5-6,9; Mt. 17:1-9 (Ps Wk II) Peter, James and John were led by Jesus to a high mountain. And what happened? They saw…
Dedication of the Basilica of St Mary18th Week in Ordinary Time : Wednesday 5th August 2020Jer. 31:1-7; (R. Ps.) Jer. 31:10,11-12,13; Mt. 15:21-28 (Ps Wk II) Jeremiah was sharing the plan for the restoration of Israel’s homeland and relationship with God. God would be the God of all of Israel and would continue to be…
Lord, cleanse me of doubt and fear18th Week in Ordinary Time : Tuesday 4th August 2020Jer. 30:1-2,12-15,18-22; Ps. 101:16-18, 19-21,28 and 22-23; Mt. 15:1-2,10-14 (Ps Wk II) Jeremiah was not the most cheerful or encouraging of prophets. He seemed to be always preaching 'doom and gloom.' His message to his fellow Israelites was that the…
In life we have many different paths to walk... Lord, help us to keep our eyes on you!18th Week in Ordinary Time : Monday 3rd August 2020Jer. 28:1-17; Ps. 118:29,43,78,80,95,102; Mt. 14:22-36 (Ps Wk II) As Peter walked on the water towards Jesus, what made him afraid was not the water, not the actual walking…