

Wednesday of Holy Week : 8th April 2020

Father in Heaven, strengthen the Church on earthWednesday of Holy Week : 8th April 2020Is. 50:4-9; Ps. 69(68):8-10,21-22,31,33-34; Mt. 26:14-25 (Ps Wk II) In some countries, today is traditionally known as “Spy Wednesday”. It is a day when we recall how Judas offered to betray Jesus to the Jews. He even agreed for a betrayal…

Tuesday of Holy Week : 7th April 2020

Accompanying Jesus in Spirit His last journey on earthTuesday of Holy Week : 7th April 2020Is. 49:1-6; Ps. 71(70):1-2,3-4,5-6,15,17; Jn. 13:21-33,36-38 (Ps Wk II) Meditating on the Gospel scene gives us a sense of sorrow and pain as experienced by Jesus. Though deep within Jesus, he knew this betrayal was part of the divine plan;…

Monday of Holy Week : 6th April 2020

Lord, strengthen and protect us in our weakness.Monday of Holy Week : 6th April 2020Is. 42:1-7; Ps. 27(26):1,2,3,13-14; Jn. 12:1-11 (Ps Wk II) The Servant of the Lord is the Messiah, the Chosen One of God (Is. 42:2), Whom God has designated to be the “Covenant” of the Jewish people and a “Light” for the…

PALM SUNDAY (A) : 5th April 2020

Lord, help us to continue your mission and make this world a better place for allPALM SUNDAY (A) : 5th April 2020Is. 50:4-7; Ps. 22(21):8-9,17-18,19-20,23-24; Phil. 2:6-11; Mt. 26:14 --27:66 (Ps Wk II) How do we know when someone is truly speaking for God? We look to their way of life. Are they willing to…

5th Week of Lent : Saturday 4th April 2020

Lord, fill us with your Peace5th Week of Lent : Saturday 4th April 2020Ez. 37:21-28; (R. Ps) Jer. 31:10-11-12,13; Jn. 11:45-56 (Ps Wk I) As a young boy growing up in Nazareth, Jesus learned to read as the other boys of the town did - from the Bible, the only “textbook” they had. Given his…

5th Week of Lent : Friday 3rd April 2020

Lord, you are my rock and my salvation5th Week of Lent : Friday 3rd April 2020Jer. 20:10-13; Ps. 118(117):2-4,5-6,7; Jn. 10:31-42 (Ps Wk I) In the Bible, four significant sections deal with the mystery of suffering: the Prophecy of Jeremiah; the Book of Job; the chapters of the Prophecy of Isaiah which reflect on God’s…

5th Week of Lent : Thursday 2nd April 2020

Do you truly believe in Jesus? Do you believe that he is your Saviour? 5th Week of Lent : Thursday 2nd April 2020Gen. 17:3-9; Ps. 105(104):4-5,6-7,8-9; Jn. 8:51-59 (Ps Wk I) The person of Abraham comes to the fore in the scripture readings today. Formerly known as Abram, he is the one with whom God…

5th Week of Lent : Wednesday 1st April 2020

Lord, help me to take your words to heart and live by them 5th Week of Lent : Wednesday 1st April 2020Dan. 3:14-20,91-92,95; (R. Ps) Dan. 3;52, 53,54,55,56; Jn. 8:31-42 (Ps Wk I) What a terrible choice faced the three young men! The king had ordered them to worship the idols of Babylon, and if…

5th Week of Lent : Tuesday 31st March 2020

Lord, help me to feel your Holy Presence with me when we look at the Crucifix or the Eucharist5th Week of Lent : Tuesday 31st March 2020Num. 21:4-9; Ps. 102(101):2-3,16-18,19-21; Jn. 8:21-30 (Ps Wk I) God’s cue for those who were bitten by the snakes seems very simple: they were to look at the bronze…

5th Week of Lent : Monday 30th March 2020

Lord, help me to seek the truth and show mercy and grace to others5th Week of Lent : Monday 30th March 2020Dan. 13:1-9,15-17,19-30,33-62 (or 13:41-62); Ps. 23(22):1-4,5-6; Jn. 8:1-11 (Ps Wk I) The story of Susanna affirms the ultimate justice of God. Susanna was an upright Jewish woman married to Joakim. Two Israelite judges desired…