

20th Week in Ordinary Time: Sunday 18th August 2019

Lord, grant me courage and perseverance20th Week in Ordinary Time: Sunday 18th August 201920th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C) Jer. 38:4-5,8-10; Ps. 40(39):2,3,4,18; Heb. 12:1-4; Lk. 12:49-53 (Ps Wk IV Those who follow the law of God usually don’t have an easy time. Jeremiah certainly didn’t — he tried to tell Israel’s leaders the truth…

19th Week in Ordinary Time: Saturday 17th August 2019

Is there any idol in my life…a habit or relationship that competes with God to be the center of my life? 19th Week in Ordinary Time: Saturday 17th August 2019Josh 24:1-13; Ps. 136(135):1,2,3,16,17,18,21,22,24; Mt. 19:3-12 (Ps Wk III) What is the biggest decision you have ever made? Are you happy with what you chose? Today…

19th Week in Ordinary Time: Friday 16th August 2019

St Stephen of Hungary19th Week in Ordinary Time: Friday 16th August 2019Josh 24:1-13; Ps. 136(135):1,2,3,16,17,18,21,22,24; Mt. 19:3-12 (Ps Wk III) The reading and the gospel for today are about commitments. The former is about God’s commitment to the Israelites from the time of Abraham’s father, Terah, to the time of Joshua. Despite their many transgressions,…

FEAST OF THE ASSUMPTION OF OUR LADY: Thursday 15th August 2019

Hail! Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with theeFEAST OF THE ASSUMPTION OF OUR LADY: Thursday 15th August 2019Rev. 11:19; 12:1-6,10; Ps. 45(44):10,11,12,16; 1 Cor. 15:20-26; Lk. 1:39-56 (Psalter Proper) Evil, injustice, hatred, and negativity can seem overwhelming. The world can be a scary and nerve-wracking place in which to live. There are many…

19th Week in Ordinary Time: Wednesday 14th August 2019

St Maximilian Kolbe, priest & martyr19th Week in Ordinary Time: Wednesday 14th August 2019 Deut. 34:1-12; Ps. 66(65):1-3,5,16-17; Mt. 18:15-20 (Ps Wk III) God takes Moses to the mountain top and lays before him the land which he will give to the people whom Moses had led out of slavery. But Moses himself will stop…

19th Week in Ordinary Time: Tuesday 13th August 2019

“The Lord himself who will lead you; he will be with you; he will not fail you or desert you.”19th Week in Ordinary Time: Tuesday 13th August 2019Deut. 31:1-8; (R. Ps) Deut. 32:3-4,7,8,9,12; Mt. 18:1-5, 10,12-14 (Ps Wk III) There is a vast difference between the standard used by God and by men in measuring…

19th Week in Ordinary Time: Monday 12th August 2019

Lord, help me to love as You do.19th Week in Ordinary Time: Monday 12th August 2019Wis. 18:6-9; Ps. 33(32):1,12,18-19,20,22; Heb. 11:1-2,8-19; Lk. 12:32-48(35-40) (Ps Wk III) The  scripture passage in the first reading describes how Moses calls the people of Israel to a total commitment to God. The key message in Moses’ speech is that…

19th Week in Ordinary Time: Sunday 11th August 2019

Faith is the assurance of things unseen. Hebrew 11:119th Week in Ordinary Time: Sunday 11th August 2019Wis. 18:6-9; Ps. 33(32):1,12,18-19,20,22; Heb. 11:1-2,8-19; Lk. 12:32-48(35-40) (Ps Wk III) Cynical folks say that faith is silly and is nothing more than unrealistic wishful thinking. Hebrews has a different view: faith is another way of knowing. It is…

18th Week in Ordinary Time: Saturday 10th August 2019

Feast of St Lawrence, Deacon & Martyr18th Week in Ordinary Time: Saturday 10th August 20192 Cor. 9:6-10; Ps. 112(111):1-2,5-6,7-8,9; Jn. 12:24-26 (Ps Wk II) St Lawrence was one of seven deacons of the city of Rome who were martyred for their faith. He was martyred in 238 under the emperor Valerian, along with or just…

18th Week in Ordinary Time: Friday 9th August 2019

"For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?" Mark 8:3618th Week in Ordinary Time: Friday 9th August 2019Deut. 4:32-40; Ps. 77(76):12-13,14-15,16 and 21; Mt. 16:24-28 (Ps Wk II) When we say we are followers of Jesus Christ, does it mean we live life differently?  Jesus says, “If…