4th Week of Lent Monday, 1st April 2019Is. 65:17-21; Ps. 30(29):2,4,5-6,11-12,13; Jn. 4:43-54 (Ps Wk IV) In our broken, bleeding, and fearful world, many long for a new heaven and a new earth. It would be wonderful if we lived in a world of abundance, peace, prosperity, and happiness. Many would say that this wish…
4th Week of LentSunday, 31st March 2019Josh. 5:9,10-12; Ps. 34(33):2-3,4-5,6-7; 2 Cor. 5:17-21; Lk. 15:1-3,11-32 (Ps Wk IV) The manna in the desert was a very concrete sign of God's special providence for Israel at a difficult time in their journey. The manna was a very special grace. The Book of Joshua records, however, that…
3th Week of LentSaturday, 30th March 2019Hos. 5:15b-6:6; Ps. 51(50):3-4,18-19,20-21; Lk. 18:9-14 (Ps Wk III) For the people of Israel, there was only one legitimate response to what they believed to be God’s punishment: repentance. No excuses, no arrogance, no bargaining — just humble submission to God’s actions and a plea for forgiveness. This is…
3th Week of LentFriday, 29th March 2019Hos. 14:2-10; Ps. 81(80):6-9,10-11,14,17 Mk. 12:28-34 (Ps Wk III) Hosea was an Old Testament prophet. A prophet was a person who brought God’s message to the people, and it was often a challenging one. Earlier Hosea had been dwelling on Israel's betrayal of the covenant with God and here…
3th Week of LentThursday, 28th March 2019Jer. 7:23-28; Ps. 95(94):1-2,6-7,8-9; Lk. 11:14-23 (Ps Wk III) In our sophisticated world, we have pretty much rationalized or excused away evil and sin. We talk about freedom of choice, patriotism, insanity, emotional difficulty, addiction, self-destructive behaviours, dysfunctional families and on and on, but no matter the reasons we…
3th Week of LentWednesday, 27th March 2019Deut. 4:1,5-9; Ps. 148(147):12-13,15-16,19-20; Mt. 5:17-19 (Ps Wk III) Isarel’s Law — or teaching as it should be translated — was not viewed as a burden by its people but a joy. Observing and Law bound them together as a people and strengthened their covenant with God. Deuteronomy insists that…
3th Week of LentTuesday, 26th March 2019Dan. 3:25,34-43; Ps. 25(24):4-5,6,7,8-9; Mt. 18:21-35 (Ps Wk III) “Your ways, O Lord, make known to me; teach me your paths”. In the Reflection above for Wednesday of the Second week of Lent, we spoke of the way Jesus continued to teach and form his disciples. Today in response…
27th Week in Ordinary Time (B)Friday, 12th October 2018Gal. 3:7-14; Ps. 111(110):1-2,3-4,5-6; Lk. 11:15-26 (Ps Wk III) Psalm 111 is a prayer of a person filled with gratitude to God. He begins the prayer saying, “I will thank the Lord with all my heart.” He acknowledges that “the works of the Lord” are “great” (v…
27th Week in Ordinary Time (B) - St John XXIII, PopeThursday, 11th October 2018Gal. 3:1-5; (R. Ps.) Lk. 1:69-70,71-72,73-75; Lk. 11:5-13 (Ps Wk III) Paul was very upset with the community in Galatia. They had begun their spiritual journey with him by walking in the ways of the Spirit, but swayed by others, they had…
27th Week in Ordinary Time (B)Wednesday, 10th October 2018Gal. 2:1-2,7-14; Ps. 117(116):1,2; Lk. 11:1-4 (Ps Wk III) The Gospel of Luke places a special emphasis on prayer. Mother Mary ponders her life with Jesus in her heart (Lk. 2:51). Mary, Martha's sister, chooses to sit and listen to Jesus (10:42). Jesus himself takes time from…