Lord, help me to focus on You. JesusSaturday within Easter Octave : 15th April 2023Acts 4:13-21; Ps. 117:1,14-21 Mk. 16:9-15 The Christians in early times had to counter fake news that the body of Jesus was stolen by His disciples and that He had not been resurrected as they claimed. The Jewish leaders were amazed…
Lord, help me to live by Your will always Friday within Easter Octave : 14th April 2023Acts 4:1-12; Ps. 117:1-2,4,22-27; Jn. 21:1-14 In the first reading, we observe the contrasting manner in which the ordinary people responded to the preaching of Peter, as opposed to the rulers, elders, scribes and priests. Many people, including 5,000…
God claims us as His own. We thank You and praise You, O LordThursday within Easter Octave : 13th April 2023Acts 3:11-26; Ps. 8:2,5-9 Lk. 24:35-48 ‘This is the day that the Lord has made, let us be glad and rejoice.’ This is the Gospel acclamation. In Eastertide, we happily echo it. Would we still…
Lord, help me to go beyond myself to experience the joy of the Lord, like Mary of Magdala didWednesday within Easter Octave : 12th April 2023Acts 2:36-41; Ps. 32:4-5,18-20,22; Jn. 20:11-18 We are often upset if our wishes are not granted or if God has not responded to our prayers. But perhaps we do not…
Lord, help me to go beyond myself to experience the joy of the Lord, like Mary of Magdala didTuesday within Easter Octave : 11th April 2023Acts 2:36-41; Ps. 32:4-5,18-20,22; Jn. 20:11-18 The Easter Sequence pointedly asks Mary of Magdala: “Tell us, Mary: say what thou didst see upon the way. The tomb the Living did…
Lord Jesus, You are my Lord and God — the Risen Lord. AmenMonday within Easter Octave : 10th April 2023Acts 2:14,22-33; Ps. 15:1-2,5,7-8,9-10,11; Mt. 28:8-15 “To this day, that is the story among the Jews.” The Christians in the early times had to counter fake news that the body of Jesus was stolen by His…
Lord Jesus, you are before me, beside me, within me.... grant that we will never partEASTER SUNDAY OF THE LORD’S RESURRECTION (A) : 9th April 2023Acts 10:34,37-43; Ps. 117:1-2,16-17,22-23; Col. 3:1-4 or 1 Cor. 5:6-8; Jn. 20:1-9 or Mt. 28:1-10 (Psalter proper) The chief priests and Pharisees had Jesus’ tomb tightly secured lest His disciples…
Lord, help me live closely with YouHOLY SATURDAY : 8th April 2023Gen. 1:1-2:2; Ex. 14:15–15:1; Is. 55:1-13; Rom. 6:3-11; Ps. 117(118):1-2,16-17,22-23; Mt. 28:1-10 (Psalter proper) No one was physically present at the moment when the resurrection of Christ took place. This is why the description of the empty tomb is fundamental in affirming that Jesus…
Into Your hands, O Lord, I surrender my spiritGOOD FRIDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD : 7th April 2023Is 52:13—53:12; Ps. 30:2,6,12-13,15-17,25; Heb. 4:14-16; 5:7-9; Jn. 18:1—19:42 Why did Jesus suffer so much? Because, in the words of Isaiah, “we like sheep have gone astray; we have all turned to our own way. And…
Lord, help me to give myself generously to You and to others in love and serviceHOLY THURSDAY : 6th April 2023Ex. 12:1-8,11-14; Ps. 115:12-13,15-18; 1 Cor. 11:23-26; Jn. 13:1-15 Today is Holy Thursday. Tonight is the night we remember that the Lord was betrayed. It was also the night when “the Lord Jesus took some…