

7th Week of Easter (A) : Saturday 27th May 2023

St Augustine of Canterbury, bishop ... Pray for us7th Week of Easter (A) : Saturday 27th May 2023Acts 28:16-20,30-31; Ps. 10:4,5,7; Jn. 21:20-25 (Ps. Wk. III) Today marks the end of the Easter season. The readings are taken from the Acts of the Apostles and the Gospel, according to John, respectively. Acts end with a…

7th Week of Easter (A) : Friday 26th May 2023

St Philip Neri, priest... Pray for us7th Week of Easter (A) : Friday 26th May 2023Acts 25:13-21; Ps. 102:1-2,11-12,19-20; Jn. 21:15-19 (Ps. Wk. III) In chapter 21 of John’s Gospel, we see how Peter stood out as the leader of the disciples. He initiated the fishing expedition and was the first to react to the…

7th Week of Easter (A) : Thursday 25th May 2023

St Bede the venerable, priest & doctor St Gregory VII, pope and St Mary Magdalene de’ Pazzi, virgin... Pray for us 7th Week of Easter (A) : Thursday 25th May 2023Acts 22:30; 23:6-11; Ps. 15:1-2,5,7-11; Jn. 17:20-26 (Ps. Wk. III) The whole chapter of John 17 is one long prayer directed by Jesus to the…

7th Week of Easter (A) : Wednesday 24th May 2023

Lord, help me to be faithful to the message of Jesus7th Week of Easter (A) : Wednesday 24th May 2023Acts 20:28-38; Ps. 69:29-30,33-36; Jn. 17:11-19 (Ps. Wk. III) Paul was saying farewell to the leaders of the Church at Ephesus before he continued to Jerusalem. He referred to these leaders as “overseers” appointed by the…

7th Week of Easter (A) : Tuesday 23rd May 2023

Lord Jesus, I pray that God’s glory will manifest in me when my hour comes7th Week of Easter (A) : Tuesday 23rd May 2023Acts 20:17-27; Ps. 67:10-11,20-21; Jn. 17:1-11 (Ps. Wk. III) In the first reading, Paul is making a farewell discourse to the elders from Ephesus. He is reminding them of the pattern of…

7th Week of Easter (A) : Monday 22nd May 2023

St Rita of Cascia, religious7th Week of Easter (A) : Monday 22nd May 2023Acts 19:1-8; Ps. 67:2-7; Jn. 16:29-33 (Ps. Wk. III) The Entrance Antiphon today contains one of the last promises of Jesus before the Ascension – the promise of the Holy Spirit coming upon the disciples and consequently upon the whole Church. In…

7th Week of Easter (A) : Sunday 21st May 2023

Lord, I believe there is no force in the world that is greater than You7th Week of Easter (A) : Sunday 21st May 2023Acts 1:12-14; Ps. 26:1,4,7-8a; 1 Pt. 4:13-16; Jn. 17:1-11a (Ps. Wk. III) Prayer is also the heartbeat of the Christian life. In the first reading, we are told that after Jesus was…

6th Week of Easter (A) : Saturday 20th May 2023

St Bernardine of Siena, priest6th Week of Easter (A) : Saturday 20th May 2023Acts 18:23-28; Ps. 46:2-3,8-9,10; Jn. 16:23b-28 (Ps Wk II) In the passage from Acts we see how the early Church shared the message of Jesus. Apollos had been baptized with the baptism of repentance, but he hadn’t received the full message of…

6th Week of Easter (A) : Friday 19th May 2023

Lord, may Your will always be accomplished in our world6th Week of Easter (A) : Friday 19th May 2023Acts 18:9-18; Ps. 46:2-7; Jn. 16:20-23a (Ps Wk II) Everything appeared to be going against Paul and his followers. Some had responded to his preaching by embracing the faith, but most opposed him. They plotted and schemed…

ASCENSION OF THE LORD : Thursday 18th May 2023

Lord, may I praise Your name above all other namesASCENSION OF THE LORD : Thursday 18th May 2023Acts 1:1-11; Ps. 46:2-3,6-7,8-9; Eph. 1:17-23; Mt. 28:16-20 (Psalter proper) The passage in Acts describes Luke writing to Theophilus, his benefactor, explaining that Jesus had prepared the Apostles for their mission by teaching them during His lifetime. Jesus…