Lord, help me to make a difference in society and in the world23rd Week in Ordinary Time : Tuesday 6th September 20221 Cor. 6:1-11; Ps. 149:1-2,3-4,5-6a and 9b; Lk. 6:12-19 (Ps Wk III) The passage in the first reading describes Paul’s unhappiness that some Christians in Corinth betray their own members by bringing their disputes…
Lord, grant me the grace to be conscious of all temptations which draw me away from You23rd Week in Ordinary Time : Monday 5th September 20221 Cor. 5:1-8; Ps. 5:5-6,7,12; Lk. 6:6-11 (Ps Wk III) Today’s Gospel reading is on the importance of obedience to God’s Will and doing good instead of being tied down…
Lord, may You always be first in my life23rd Week in Ordinary Time : Sunday 4th September 2022Wis. 9:13-18; Ps. 89:3-4,5-6,12-13,14 and 17; Phm. 9b-10,12-17; Lk. 14:25-33 (Ps Wk III) The Book of Wisdom does not have a high opinion of human reasoning. It usually gets us into trouble, creates problems, and divides people. Even…
St Gregory the Great, Pope and doctor22nd Week in Ordinary Time : Saturday 3rd September 20221 Cor. 4:6b-15; Ps. 144:17-18,19-20,21; Lk. 6:1-5 (Ps Wk II) The Mosaic Law demands the Jews to keep the Sabbath holy by not working on this day. Simple tasks, like tying or untying a knot, sowing seeds or threshing, could…
The salvation of the just comes from the Lord22nd Week in Ordinary Time : Friday 2nd September 20221 Cor. 4:1-5; Ps. 36:3-4,5-6,27-28,39-40; Lk. 5:33-39 (Ps Wk II) We continue our walk with St Luke’s account of Jesus from Chapter 4 to Chapter 5. The nascent beginning of His ministry in Galilee continues with His calling…
Lord, grant me Your wisdom22nd Week in Ordinary Time : Thursday 1st September 20221 Cor. 3:18-23; Ps. 23:1-2,3-4ab,5-6; Lk. 5:1-11 (Ps Wk II) There are two kinds of wisdom. Human wisdom is a collection of facts, information, misinformation, and opinion. It has created the dark and scary world in which we live, for it is…
Lord, create in me a pure heart22nd Week in Ordinary Time : Wednesday 31st August 20221 Cor. 3:1-9; Ps. 32:12-13,14-15,20-21; Lk. 4:38-44 (Ps Wk II) Today Paul tries to heal the factionalism in the community of Corinth over allegiances – members of the community forming groups according to who brought them into the Church. The…
Lord, create in me a pure heart22nd Week in Ordinary Time : Tuesday 30th August 20221 Cor. 2:10b-16; Ps. 144:8-9,10-11,12-13ab,13cd-14; Lk. 4:31-37 (Ps Wk II) Today’s readings deal with God’s power and authority. The reading from the first Epistle to the people of Corinth is intriguing. Only God can fully know God, but I think…
The Passion of St John the Baptist22nd Week in Ordinary Time : Monday 29th August 2022Jer. 1:17-19; Ps. 70:1-2,3-4a,5-6ab,15ab and 17; Mk. 6:17-29 (Ps Wk II) There is a vast difference between human and divine wisdom. Much human wisdom is based on worldly principles – power, greed, fear, competition, domination and dishonesty. The wisdom of…
Lord, help me to know who I am!22nd Week in Ordinary Time : Sunday 28th August 2022Sir. 3:17-20,28-29; Ps. 67:4-5ac,6-7ab,10-11; Heb. 12:18-19,22-24a; Lk. 14:1,7-14 (Ps Wk II) Our first reading from Sirach echoes traditional Jewish teachings concerning proper conduct. These verses say, “Remember who you are and who you are not.” A wise person listens…