Gospel for the Day with Pointers

Reflect on the daily word of God

16th Week in Ordinary Time : Saturday, 23rd July 2022

Jesus put a parable before the crowds, ‘The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a man who sowed good seed in his field. While everybody was asleep his enemy came, sowed darnel all among the wheat, and made off. When the new wheat sprouted Continue Reading

Feast of St Mary Magdalene : Friday, 22nd July 2022

Mary stayed outside near the tomb, weeping. Then, still weeping, she stooped to look inside, and saw two angels in white sitting where the body of Jesus had been, one at the head, the other at the feet. They said, ‘Woman, why are you Continue Reading

16th Week in Ordinary Time : Thursday, 21st July 2022

The disciples went up to Jesus and asked, ‘Why do you talk to the crowds in parables?’ ‘Because’ he replied. ‘the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven are revealed to you, but they are not revealed to them. For anyone who has will Continue Reading

16th Week in Ordinary Time : Wednesday, 20th July 2022

Jesus left the house and sat by the lakeside, but such crowds gathered round him that he got into a boat and sat there. The people all stood on the beach, and he told them many things in parables. He said, ‘Imagine a sower going Continue Reading

16th Week in Ordinary Time : Tuesday, 19th July 2022

Jesus was speaking to the crowds when suddenly his mother and his brothers appeared; they were standing outside and were anxious to have a word with him. But to the man who told him this Jesus replied, ‘Who is my mother? Who are my brothers?’ Continue Reading

16th Week in Ordinary Time : Monday, 18th July 2022

Some of the scribes and Pharisees spoke up. ‘Master,’ they said, ‘we should like to see a sign from you.’ Jesus replied, ‘It is an evil and unfaithful generation that asks for a sign! The only sign it will be given is the sign of Continue Reading