Gospel for the Day with Pointers

Reflect on the daily word of God

14th Week in Ordinary Time : Tuesday, 5th July 2022

Jesus made a tour through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and curing all kinds of diseases and sickness. And when he saw the crowds he felt sorry for them because they were harassed and Continue Reading

14th Week in Ordinary Time : Monday, 4th July 2022

While Jesus was speaking, up came one of the officials, who bowed low in front of him and said, ‘My daughter has just died, but come and lay your hand on her and her life will be saved.’ Jesus rose and, with his disciples, Continue Reading

14th Week in Ordinary Time : Sunday, 3rd July 2022

The Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them out ahead of him in pairs, to all the towns and places he himself was to visit. He said to them, ‘The harvest is rich but the labourers are few, so ask the Lord of the harvest Continue Reading

13th Week in Ordinary Time : Saturday, 2nd July 2022

John's disciples came to Jesus and said, ‘Why is it that we and the Pharisees fast, but your disciples do not?’ Jesus replied, ‘Surely the bridegroom's attendants would never think of mourning as long as the bridegroom is still with them? But the time will Continue Reading

13th Week in Ordinary Time : Friday, 1st July 2022

As Jesus was walking he saw a man named Matthew sitting by the custom house, and he said to him, ‘Follow me.’ And he got up and followed him. While he was at dinner in the house it happened that a number of tax collectors Continue Reading

13th Week in Ordinary Time : Thursday, 30th June 2022

Some people brought Jesus a paralytic stretched out on a bed. Seeing their faith, Jesus said to the paralytic, ‘Courage, my child, your sins are forgiven.’ And at this some scribes said to themselves, ‘This man is blaspheming.’ Knowing what was in their minds Jesus Continue Reading