Gospel for the Day with Pointers

Reflect on the daily word of God

Second Week of Lent : Tuesday, 2nd March 2021

Addressing the people and his disciples Jesus said, ‘The scribes and the Pharisees occupy the chair of Moses. You must therefore do what they tell you and listen to what they say; but do not be guided by what they do, since they do Continue Reading

Second Week of Lent : Monday, 1st March 2021

Jesus said to his disciples: ‘Be compassionate just as your Father is compassionate. Do not judge, and you will not be judged yourselves; do not condemn, and you will not be condemned yourselves; grant pardon, and you will be pardoned. ‘Give, and there will be Continue Reading

Second Week of Lent : Sunday, 28th February 2021

Jesus took with him Peter and James and John and led them up a high mountain where they could be alone by themselves. There in their presence he was transfigured: his clothes became dazzling white, whiter than any earthly bleacher could make them. Elijah appeared Continue Reading

First Week of Lent : Saturday, 27th February 2021

Jesus said to his disciples: ‘You have heard how it was said, You must love your neighbour and hate your enemy. But I say this to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you; in this way you will be sons of Continue Reading

First Week of Lent : Friday, 26th February 2021

Jesus said to his disciples: ‘If your virtues goes no deeper than that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never get into the kingdom of Heaven. ‘You have learnt how it was said to our ancestors, ‘You shall not kill; and if anyone does Continue Reading

First Week of Lent : Thursday, 25th February 2021

Jesus said to his disciples: ‘Ask, and it will be given to you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you. For the one who asks always receives; the one who searches always finds; the one who knocks will Continue Reading