Gospel for the Day with Pointers
Reflect on the daily word of God
18th Week, Ordinary Time (Year A) : Saturday, 12th August 2023
A man came up to Jesus and went down on his knees before him. ‘Lord,’ he said, ‘take pity on my son: he is demented and in a wretched state; he is always falling into fire and into water. I took him to your disciples Continue Reading
18th Week, Ordinary Time (Year A) : Friday, 11th August 2023
Jesus said to his disciples, ‘If anyone wants to be a follower of mine, let him renounce himself and take up his cross and follow me. Anyone who wants to save his life will lose it; but anyone who loses his life for my sake Continue Reading
St Lawrence, deacon and martyr : Thursday, 10th August 2023
Jesus said to his disciples: ‘I tell you, most solemnly, unless a wheat grain falls on the ground and dies, it remains only a single grain; but if it dies, it yields a rich harvest. Anyone who loves his life loses it; anyone who hates Continue Reading
18th Week, Ordinary Time (Year A) : Wednesday, 9th August 2023
Jesus left Gennesaret and withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon. And suddenly out came a Canaanite woman from that district and started shouting, ‘Lord, Son of David, take pity on me. My daughter is tormented by a devil.’ But he said not a Continue Reading
18th Week, Ordinary Time (Year A) : Tuesday, 8th August 2023
Pharisees and scribes from Jerusalem came to Jesus and said, ‘Why do your disciples break away from the tradition of the elders? They eat without washing their hands.’ He called the people to him and said, ‘Listen, and understand. What goes into the mouth Continue Reading
18th Week, Ordinary Time (Year A) : Monday, 7th August 2023
As Jesus stepped ashore he saw a large crowd; and he took pity on them and healed their sick. When evening came, the disciples went to him and said, ‘This is a lonely place, and time has slipped by; so send the people away, and Continue Reading