DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage
Dear Friend in the Lord,
Fears and Insecurities: In today’s Gospel, the scribes and Pharisees have grave fears and insecurities of losing their power and authority because Jesus was attracting large crowds of followers. Ponder on, “Do I live a fearful and insecure life or do I fully trust in God’s Providence, Mercy and Love in all my needs?”
Fr Philip Heng, S.J.
John 11:46-53
Some of the Jews went tell the Pharisees what Jesus had done. Then the chief priests and Pharisees called a meeting. ‘Here is this man working all these signs,’ they said, ‘and what action are we taking? If we let him go on in this way everybody will believe in him, and the Romans will come and destroy the Holy Place and our nation.’
One of them, Caiaphas, the high priest that year, said, ‘You do not seem to have grasped the situation at all; you fail to see that it is better for one man to die for the people, than for the whole nation to be destroyed.’ He did not speak in his own person, it was as high priest that he made this prophecy that Jesus was to die for the nation – and not for the nation only, but also to gather together in unity the scattered children of God. From that day they were determined to kill him.