25th Week, Ordinary Time : Thursday 26th September, 2024

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  • 25th Week, Ordinary Time : Thursday 26th September, 2024

DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage

Dear Friend in the Lord,

Fear of God’s Divine Power”: In today’s Gospel, King Herod was fearful, when he heard that John the Baptist could have risen from the dead.  “He knew that John was a man of God, who spoke fearlessly and truthfully about his sinful living.  Ponder on, “When we live in God’s Ways, we have no fear of any persons; God’s Peace and Joy will fill our hearts, home and life.”

Fr Philip Heng, S.J.

Luke 9:7-9

Herod the tetrarch had heard about all that was going on; and he was puzzled, because some people were saying that John had risen from the dead, others that Elijah had reappeared, still others that one of the ancient prophets had come back to life.

But Herod said, ‘John? I beheaded him. So who is this I hear such reports about?’ And he was anxious to see him.