5th Week of Easter: Friday, 24th May 2019

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5th Week of Easter: Friday

5th Week of Easter: Friday, 24th May 2019

Acts 15:22-31; Ps. 57(56):8-9,10-12; John. 15:12-17 (Ps Wk I)

Jesus, speaking to his disciples at the Last Supper, talks about the centrality of love among his followers. He expresses it in a central commandment: perhaps surprisingly to some, this commandment is not to love God, or even to love Jesus, but to love one another. If that is not clear enough, he spells it out for us!

The greatest possible love a person can have is to sacrifice one’s life for one’s friends. That may mean dying for others but it can also mean living for others; in either case our primary concern should be to attend to our brothers or sisters need. This is the only path by which we can demonstrate that we love God and that God’s love is in us. The way to God is through other people.

There are no short cuts. Jesus shows His love for us by His own death for his friends. And who are his friends? They are those who do what he commands and what he commands is that we love each other to the same degree that he loves us.

Earlier Jesus told his disciples that he was their Lord and Master, but now he tells them that they are his friends and not servants. Jesus is our Lord but he is also our Brother and Friend. Because of this he has shared with us all he has received from his Father. Now, it is for us to share all we know about Jesus with others.

By this will all know You are my followers, that You have love for one another.