
5th Week of Easter: Saturday, 25th May 2019

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5th Week of Easter: Saturday

5th Week of Easter: Saturday, 25th May 2019

Acts 16:1-10; Ps. 100(99):2,3,5; John. 15:18 -21 (Ps Wk I)

Timothy, a faithful believer and the son of a Greek father and a Jewish mother, had not been circumcised. Since Paul wanted to take Timothy on his missionary journeys where there would be many Jews, he decided that circumcision was necessary. Paul still considered the mission to the Jews to be very important. The decision to go to Macedonia involved not only human discernment, but divine guidance. Paul was the one who had the vision, but he recognized the need for discernment on the part of the members of the missionary group. It is important to have confirmation when we feel that we have received a message from God.

Jesus explained to the disciples that the world was hostile to him and it would also be hostile to his followers. Jesus’ followers were not greater than he, so they would also suffer and be persecuted. This would be the result of ignorance on the part of the people for they did not know who had sent Jesus — they did not know that Jesus was the Son of God and they did not know the Father. On the other hand, those who supported Jesus would also support the disciples. Just as Jesus had a loving relationship with the Father, so would all those who listened and followed Jesus. Love and obedience were the key.

Lord, fill my heart with love for You and others.