5th Week of Easter: Tuesday
5th Week of Easter: Tuesday, 21st May 2019
Acts 14:19-28; Ps. 145(144):10-11,12-13,21; John. 14:27-31 (Ps Wk I)
What a fickle crowd! The people who had worshipped Paul earlier, at the instigation of some Jews, began to throw stones at him and dragged him out of town. Later, Paul and Barnabas demonstrate remarkable courage by going back to the place where Paul has been stoned. The following day, they begin their journey where in each town they taught and built up Church communities and installed ‘elders’. In this way, they set up structures of authority that enabled the community to carry on after they had departed.
Finally, they returned home and reported on their mission, showing a sense of accountability to the Antioch Church. The action of Paul and Barnabas shows that the work of God cannot be obstructed nor should his messengers be discouraged even when facing difficult circumstances.
In his Gospel, John the evangelist reminds the Christians of his time that the fear and uncertainty they are experiencing while waiting for the return of Christ must give way to the peace that comes from Jesus. This peace is a divine gift, like joy or salvation. It is the abiding gift of Jesus for the time of his absence. Instead, they should be glad because Jesus has accomplished his life’s purpose and has returned to the Father.
Ultimately, regardless the circumstances of our lives, even in moments of struggle and suffering, it is God who is in charge. It is He who will bring everything to fulfilment. Our call, like Paul and Barnabas, and the early Christians, is never to give up but to continue to trust in Jesus, and to do his will.
Lord, may I do Your will always.