
7th Week of Easter: Monday, 3rd June 2019

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7th Week of Easter

7th Week of Easter: Monday, 3rd June 2019

Acts 19:1-8; Ps. 68(67):2-3,4-5,6-7;
Jn. 16:29-33 (Ps Wk III)

The passage from Acts of the Apostles describes that when Paul arrived in Ephesus, he found some disciples there. Paul was curious as to what type of baptism these disciples had received and discovered they were baptised with “John’s baptism”. It means that they were baptised by the disciples of John the Baptist. This is why Paul insisted that the disciples in Ephesus believe in Jesus, who had come after John. Then, they were baptised in the name of Jesus and received the Holy Spirit when Paul laid hands on them.

In the gospel passage, Jesus begins to speak in a direct and clear language to his disciples about his relationship with God, the Father instead of the veiled language he had used before. It leads the disciples to acknowledge the divine origin of Jesus. This, however, brings them a warning from Jesus. Due to Jesus’ divine nature, a time will come when they will scatter and abandon him. Yet, Jesus will not be alone because the Father will be with him. Also, the disciples will face hardships but still find true peace in him.

These days, people are wanting to offer us solutions on overcoming our problems or how to find happiness. At times, these ‘solutions’ may even seem “Christian” in nature. The scripture passages remind us not to settle for decisions that seem to give us a sense of peace or happiness which is only based on human standards. Rather, we have to seek and suffer with the one who has conquered the world, and has redeemed us in Himself, Jesus our Lord.

Lord, I trust in You.