7th Week of Easter
7th Week of Easter: Saturday, 8th June 2019
Acts 28:16-20,30-31; Ps. 11(10):4,5,7;
Jn. 21:20-25 (Ps Wk III)
In the first reading, we read how Paul arrives in chains to Rome. While there, he makes an attempt to meet with the Roman Jews in order to explain his case to them. Even in difficult circumstances, Paul sizes the opportunity to preach the Good News of Jesus Christ to the Jews.
In the Gospel passage, Peter is curious about the future of the disciple whom Jesus loves. Jesus tells Peter not to be worried about this. As far as Peter is concerned, he is to follow Jesus.
Peter and Paul, the two great disciples of Christ. Yet, how dissimilar they were. Once Paul encountered Jesus on the road to Damascus, he committed himself totally to Christ. His whole life was consumed with the desire to proclaim Jesus and His message.
Peter, on the other hand, fumbled and stumbled his way as a disciple. Just when we think Peter gets it right, he goes on to say or do something that upsets the Lord. However, over time, through grace, Peter grows in maturity in the faith and becomes the true leader he is meant to be.
As disciples of Christ, we are never the same. Each of us is unique because Christ calls us as we are. As such, we are not to compare ourselves with others or their ministries. Jesus calls us to follow Him according to the plan He has for us. We have to spend time discerning God’s will for our lives instead of being overly concerned about what others are doing or not doing for the Lord.
Lord, help me discern Your calling in my life.