
7th Week of Easter: Wednesday, 5th June 2019

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7th Week of Easter

7th Week of Easter: Wednesday, 5th June 2019

Acts 20:28-38; Ps. 68(67):29-30,33-35a,35bc,36c;
Jn. 17:11b-19 (Ps Wk III)

Paul gave a long and tearful farewell to his followers – he knew that they would not meet again. There was a bit of fear, for he didn’t know how the community would fare after he was gone. There are always those moments when we have to step out on our own, guided by what we have learned and by listening to the guidance given to us by the Spirit. We cannot remain spiritual children forever — spiritual maturity should be the goal of all.

The name of God signifies God’s true nature, and elsewhere (1 John) we are told that God is love and God is light. Jesus prayed that his followers be protected in that love and light from the negative forces in the world. He also prayed that they be sanctified in truth. Truth has nothing to do with doctrine in John; Jesus himself is defined as the truth. To be sanctified in truth means to abide or dwell in Jesus. There is a warning: many will feel threatened by those who live in this way — they should expect the resistance and hatred of the world. But with that sanctification in the truth there is deep joy — and that will overcome everything.

Lord, help me to grow in spiritual maturity.