Daily Word Of God
Luke 5:27-32
Jesus noticed a tax collector, Levi by name, sitting by the customs house, and said to him, ‘Follow me.’ And leaving everything he got up and followed him. In his honour Levi held a great reception in his house, and with them at table was a large gathering of tax collectors and others.
The Pharisees and their scribes complained to his disciples and said, ‘Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?’ Jesus said to them in reply, ‘It is not those that are well who need the doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the virtuous, but sinners to repentance.’

Today's Pointers on God's Word
As you read the passage what words, phases or meanings caught your attention?
- In today’s Gospel Jesus startled the self-righteous Pharisees and scribes, who reproached Him for associating with tax collectors and sinners, by pointing out that His earthly mission was to offer forgiveness to all sinners.
- Jesus came as the divine physician and good shepherd to care for His people and to restore them to the fullness of life. He expects us to help the poor and needy with kindness and compassion.
- Are we being self-righteous through showing contempt at the imperfections of others? Ask Jesus for His healing grace that we will always emulate Him by treating others with mercy and kindness.