Wednesday of Holy Week, 17th April 2019

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Wednesday of Holy Week

Wednesday of Holy Week, 17th April 2019

Is. 50:4-9; Ps. 69(68):8-10,21-22,31,33-34; Mt. 26:14-25 (Ps Wk II)

Today we hear Isaiah describe a man who is attacked unjustly. This suffering servant does not defend himself. Yet, his silence is not a weakness. Rather, he chooses to depend totally on God. He trusts that God, who sees all, will justify him.

Seven hundred years later, it is the time of Jesus. In today’s Gospel the betrayal of Jesus has begun. Judas chooses to sell Jesus for 30 pieces of silver (a reference to the wages paid to the prophet Zechariah by the people who rejected this prophet — Zech. 11:12-13).

At the Last Supper Jesus already knows that he will be betrayed. Yet, he chooses not to run or escape. Jesus freely accepts his mission. He trusts that the Father will justify him.

When the disciples hear that the betrayer is among them at the table, each person considers if he himself is guilty.

Today is an opportunity to reflect. Have I ever betrayed Jesus? Jesus knows that I am a sinner….and yet he loves me. Yet Jesus freely chooses to suffer because he wants to save me…because he yearns to be with me forever.

Jesus, thank You for Your mercy. Grant me courage to spend time with You in prayer during these holy days.