
Ordinary Time 10th Wk: Saturday 15th June, 2019

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  • Ordinary Time 10th Wk: Saturday 15th June, 2019

DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage

Dear Friend in the Lord,

Oath-taking: In today’s Gospel, Jesus asserts that oath-taking is unnecessary.  All we need to say is “Yes” or “No” and honour our deals with integrity.  Insincerity is influenced by the Evil One, who wants to destroy the meaning, purpose of our lives, and more importantly our relationship with God.

 Fr Philip Heng, S.J.

Matthew 5:33-37

Jesus said to his disciples: ‘You have heard how it was said to our ancestors, You must not break your oath, but must fulfil your oaths to the Lord. But I say this to you, do not swear at all, either by heaven, since that is God’s throne; or by earth, since that is his footstool; or by Jerusalem, since that is the city of the great King.

‘Do not swear by your own head either, since you cannot turn a single hair white or black. All you need say is “Yes” if you mean yes, “No” if you mean no; anything more than this comes from the Evil One.’