The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
Solemnity of The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus: Friday 28th June 2019
Ez. 34:11-16; Ps. 23(22):1-4,5,6;
Rom. 5:5-11; Lk.15:3-7 (Psalter proper)
The Opening Prayer for the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is “…we rejoice in the gift of love we have received from the Heart of Jesus, Your Son.” In all the readings of the day the emphasis is on the great love of God for every single member of the human race.
The prophet Ezekiel writes for the exiles in Babylon. Earlier, he rants against their leaders for their misfortunes, saying that these were not true leaders. In this passage he paints a contrasting picture of who a good leader — shepherd — is. God is the perfect shepherd, perfect in His loving care of his flock, especially in His love for those who have suffered most. “I shall look for the lost one … and make the weak strong.” (Ez. 34:15).
Paul, too, in his Letter to the Romans, emphasises this incredible love God has for his people. He is prepared to pay any price for His people, especially the undeserving. God’s generous love meant that His Son “died for us while we were still sinners” (5:8) and again “…when we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son, we were still enemies” (5:10).
The Parable of the Lost Sheep illustrates graphically the persevering love of God for each and every one, no matter how foolish or sinful one may be. The lost one is brought back because God the Shepherd goes after him. His love is such that no one is ever abandoned.
Lord, help us to be truly grateful for Your enduring love that brings us back to You and make us worthy of Your love. Amen.