Consecration Prayers to the Sacred Heart of Jesus – Fri 7th June 2024

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  • Consecration Prayers to the Sacred Heart of Jesus – Fri 7th June 2024

Prayers for the Solemnity of Sacred Heart of Jesus


(to be recited by families which have the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart in their homes) 

Lord Jesus Christ, today we renew the dedication of our family to your Sacred Heart.

We remember your love for us.

We pledge our love in return, placing you at the centre of our hearts and our home.

We wish to live our lives in union with you and share your mission of love to all peoples.
Lord Jesus Christ, accept this Dedication and keep us always in your Sacred Heart.


(Recited  by All)

Most loving Jesus, how great is the love which you have poured out upon the world. How casual and careless is our response! Kneeling before you, we wish to atone for the indifference and the slights which pierce you to the heart. We ask forgiveness for our own shameful neglect.

We wish to make amends for those who are obstinate in their unbelief, for those who turn away from the light and wander like sheep without a shepherd,
and for those who have broken their baptismal promises and reject the gentle yoke of your law.

We wish to make amends for the sins of our society:
for lust and degradation, for the corruption of the young,
for indifference and blasphemy,
for attacks against your Church,
for irreverence and even sacrilege against Your love in the Blessed Sacrament, and for the public defiance of your law.

These are the sins for which you died, but now we share in your atonement by offering on the altar in union with you the living sacrifice you made on the cross, joining to it the sufferings of your Virgin Mother and those of all the saints and the whole church.

We promise faithfully, that by your grace we shall make reparation for our own sins, and for those of others by a strong faith, by holy living, and by obedience to the law of the Gospel, whose greatest commandment is that of brotherly love.

Jesus Lord, receive this loving act of homage together with the prayers of our Lady, who stood by the cross, our model in reparation.

Keep us faithful, even to the point of death, give us the gift of perseverance and lead us all to our promised land in heaven, where you, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, live and reign for ever and ever.



Sacred Heart of Jesus, You made clear to Saint Margaret Mary Your desire of being King in Christian families. We today wish to proclaim Your most complete kingly dominion over our own family. We want to live in the future with Your life.

We want to cause to flourish in our midst those virtues to which You have promised peace here below. We want to banish far from us the spirit of the world which You have cursed. You shall be King over our minds in the simplicity of our faith, and over our hearts by the wholehearted love with which they shall burn for You, the flame of which we will keep alive by the frequent reception of Your divine Eucharist.

Be so kind, O divine Heart, as to preside over our assemblings, to bless our enterprises, both spiritual and temporal, to dispel our cares, to sanctify our joys, and to alleviate our sufferings.

If ever one or other of us should have the misfortune to afflict You, remind him, O Heart of Jesus, that You are good and merciful to the penitent sinner.

And when the hour of separation strikes, when death shall come to cast mourning into our midst, we will all, both those who go and those who stay, be submissive to Your eternal decrees. We shall console ourselves with the thought that a day will come when the entire family, reunited in heaven, can sing forever Your glories and Your mercies.

May the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the glorious patriarch Saint Joseph present this consecration to You, and keep it in our minds all the days of our life. All glory to the Heart of Jesus, our King and our Father! Amen.


PRAYING THE PROMISES (taken from Apostleship of Prayer)
(Based on the Twelve Promises made by Christ to St. Margaret Mary)

Let us pray:
Sacred Heart of Jesus, behold us kneeling before You to praise You, to thank You, to repair our faults, and consecrate ourselves to Your love.  Mindful of Your divine promises, we presume to go to You with the utmost confidence:

Heart of Jesus, grant us all the graces necessary for this state of life. R. Lord, You have promised it.

Heart of Jesus, establish peace in our families. R. Lord, you have promised it.

Heart of Jesus, help us in our afflictions and console us in our trials. R. Lord, You have promised it.

Heart of Jesus, be our assured refuge in life, but especially at the hour of death. R. Lord, You have promised it.

Heart of Jesus, pour down Your blessings in abundance on all our undertakings. R. Lord, You have promised it.

Heart of Jesus, be for sinners an ocean of mercy. R. Lord, You have promised it.

Heart of Jesus, render tepid souls fervent. R. Lord, You have promised it.

Heart of Jesus, grant that fervent souls may advance rapidly in the path of perfection. R. Lord, You have promised it.

Heart of Jesus, bless every place where Your image is exposed and honored. R. Lord, You have promised it.

Heart of Jesus, give to those whou labour for the salvation of souls, the grace of thouching the hardest hearts. R. Lord, You have promised it.

Heart of Jesus, engrave forever in Your adorable Heart the names of those who promote this devotion. R. Lord, You have promised it.

Heart of Jesus, give to those who communicate for nine consecutive First Fridays, the grace of final repentance and the reception of the Sacraments. R. Lord, You have promised it.

Let us pray:
Lord Jesus, be the sole object of our love, the protector of our life, the support of our weakness, the remedy of our inconstancy, the repairer of all our faults, the assurance of our salvation, and our refuge at the hour of death. Amen.

Aspirations to the Sacred Heart

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place my trust in You. (x3)
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, May thy kingdom come.
Jesus, meek and humble of Heart, make my heart like unto Thine.

PRAYER TO THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS – Recite daily, for Novena,…

Lord Jesus,
the needs of Your people open Your heart in love to each of us. You care for us when we are lost, sympathise with us in loneliness and comfort us in mourning.
You are closest to us when we are at our weakest. You love us most when we love ourselves least; You forgive us most when we forgive ourselves least; You call us to spread Your love in whatever way we can.
Lord Jesus, Your heart is moved with compassion when we are suffering, when we need Your help, and when we pray for each other.

I ask You to listen to my prayer during this novena, and grant what I ask,

(make your request silently).

If what I ask is not for my own good or the good of others, grant me always what is best,  that I may build up Your Kingdom of love in our world.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you. Amen.


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