
31st Week in Ordinary Time : Tuesday 5th November 2019

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Lord, help me to respond to Your call

31st Week in Ordinary Time : Tuesday 5th November 2019

Rom. 12:5-16; Ps. 131(130):1,2,3;
Lk. 14:15-24 (Ps Wk III)

What does it mean to be holy and to be part of Christ’s body? When we realize that we are all connected to one another and to Jesus, there is only one way we can live. It is a life of the Beatitudes — forgiveness, gentleness, humility, not returning evil for evil, patience, courage, and hope. We can never truly be a Christian alone, we love Christ through other people. The quality of our love is the only true measure of how close we are to the Lord.

Many people were invited to the banquet but made excuses not to attend. Perhaps we recognize some of the excuses, having used them ourselves. Since the invited did not want to attend, the king in the story invited the poor, lame, blind, and crippled — all those who were never invited. He urged them to come in to enjoy the banquet. As for those making excuses, the door was shut in their faces. This story shows us that God does not recognize boundaries or labels.

God invites all, and if anyone refuses, God moves on to another. No one owns God or has a special claim. When we hear the invitation to join God at table, let us not refuse or make excuses. It is an honor to be asked, one that we do not merit or earn.

Lord, may I always respond to Your call.